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Friday, March 09, 2012

Rep. Andy Harris Statement On The February Jobs Report

Rep. Andy Harris released the following statement upon the release of the February unemployment report.

“It is good to see that more hard-working Americans were able to find work last month – especially since President Obama continues to advance policies that make it harder for small businesses and hard-working taxpayers to survive in this fragile economy. What America needs now is for the Administration to focus on real job-creation bills like the Keystone Pipeline instead of more corporate welfare programs like Solyndra.”

“A bipartisan jobs-bill called The JOBS Act passed the House yesterday, which makes it much easier for small and startup employers to create jobs by cutting through the red tape that prevents entrepreneurs from investing in America. The president has said he will sign the House bill—let’s hope the Senate acts as soon as possible.”

1 comment:

  1. Help me please, jobs created Vs new unemployment claims am I missing something? If we are up X and down Y should we not add X and subtract Y. If we do that math it is a negative number. I know that as a graduate of a Wicomico county school I should not be able to figure that out so I must be wrong.


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