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Thursday, March 01, 2012

Board Of Ed FAILS To Inform Public Of Another Important Meeting

A parent information meeting and fashion show on consistent attire will be held for all interested parents at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 29, at Prince Street Elementary School. The meeting will be an opportunity to hear more about the proposed Consistent Attire Program that is being considered for 11 elementary schools, and to ask questions and give input. The evening will include a fashion show with students modeling consistent attire.

The Board will schedule a second and final reading on the Consistent Attire Program for its meeting on April 10. This will allow the CAP team adequate time to survey parents and gather other input prior to the Board’s next vote. A letter home, a phone survey and this public information meeting are all part of the effort to ensure that parents are aware of the proposal and have had a chance to give input.

Comments on this and other matters may also be made at comments@wcboe.org or 410-677-5251.

This message was not posted for MOST of the day yesterday as I scanned their Website regularly throughout the day. Even so, this should have been published days ago as there are many parents who would have liked to participate with the dress code discussion. These meetings are planned weeks in advance, so why can't they tell the public. You know why, they don't want your input and this proves it.

There's no accountability with the Wicomico County Board of Education. ANY PERSON running a business like this would be terminated. Fredericksen and Saylor, (sp?) should be thrown out the front door, period.


  1. I have children who attend East Salisbury and I was informed via email, a phone call and a news letter some time ago. Not sure what's going on at the other schools but East parents were informed.

  2. I'll repeat, it was NOT published on their website and quite frankly this is very typical is very typical of Mrs. Saylor. She seems to get paid a LOT of money to not know what to do. Some might call that a pay off for keeping quiet.

  3. Dear Dr. Fredericksen,

    While you encourage to have people come on here and state that THEY were informed of the meeting through letters that came home with their child, ALLOW ME TO EXPLAIN A LITTLE SOMETHING TO YOU. NOW YOU LISTEN GOOD!

    You see, EVERY single household in Wicomico County pays your salary. NOT just the ones that you send letters home to.

    EVERY single property owner deserves the right to know well in advance what is going on with the BIGGEST expense tax wise in the County.

    You pay this Tracey Saylor a LOT of money to INFORM the public through your Website what is going on. In MOST cases that does NOT happen. Yes, I said in MOST cases.

    Mind you, many times you'll read about it in the Daily Times the same day it's published on your Website, showing she passes on inside information. I'm cool with that, as long as the public, (you know, those people paying your salaries) are well informed.

    It's no secret you guys pull this regularly because you do not like Joe Albero. Again, I'm cool with that. However, know that you are ignoring OUR right to this information and YOU are supposedly TEACHING our children. However, you PROVE you only teach them what works in your favor. Sounds more like a CULT to me.

  4. "This should have been published as there are many parents who would have liked to participate with the dress code discussion." Sounds to me like the parents were notified.

  5. I want to know how we can adopt a policy for only part of the county. Are we going to allow students to attend a different elementary school if they do not like having their civil liberties taken away? This only involves 10 elementary schools and no secondary schools at this time. I have spoke with parents who are very against this policy. We already voted once but we are now being asked to vote again. Did they not get the data they needed to cram this down our throat's the first time? Why are their elementary schools not involved? I find the direction we are going very scary. My child has the right to be an individual. If you want a dress code there are plenty of private schools to choose from. If you need your child to dress the same as all others to act better in school then maybe you should put out a little more effort at home.

  6. Was there a good turn out for the meeting? To my knowledge Tracy has good connections at the Daily Times. As long as she is connected Freddy will keep her.

  7. I should add, how about those parents who's children might be attending next year or the year after. This should have been made public.

    The interesting part about this whole thing is, I support the program. I'm simply outraged that the BOE swept it under the rug as they do on most things.

  8. I can testify, from experience, this county sweeps many things under the carpet. Things that are important for employees and students. Justifying wrong doing to keep themselves from looking bad is the name of the game for many employees. Its disgusting to know some of the things that happen every day in our system. Maybe Dr. Fredericksen will change his focus over the next four years and do ghost job.

  9. This is not only a complete waste of money at a time when we can least afford it, there so NO evidence (outside of a handful of testimonials which can be found for any topic under the sun) that this will make any difference in performance, behavior (or bullying) and safety. The board actually stated that no BOE monies will be used to fund this program!
    I hope the mythical money tree grows as fast and as tall as the fantasy of a "free" program with no explanation for ongoing funding.
    A concerned Pemberton Parent

  10. Programs continue to be cut to pad staff salaries, "conferences" and rehire retired teachers, that are connected. (Conway and Willey) Nothing will change if children are not viewed as the priority. In this county, its all about test scores which are meaningless. We spend all year preparing for one test so it appears as if teachers are "doing their job". My son (magnet school approved) was moved from table to table during MSA testing to "help" others. So yeah, nothing will change. Public education has gone straight down the drain.

  11. I went to the meeting last night--there was no opportunity to give input at the meeting. And who reads the comments we might send to the "comment" email address or phone numbers they provide??

  12. If this new program will solve so many problems in our schools, why isn't it being rolled out at all elementary schools? Westside and Fruitland are not on the list...why not?

  13. EVERYTHING sent to the BOE via their comment tool is screened by someone who is LOYAL to Dr. Fredericksen. Sadly, if we don't do adhere to waht the BOE wants, we WILL lose our job. It has happened, as we all know, and will continue to happen. BEWARE. OUR jobs are all at risk.

  14. comments sent to the web address or called in to the extension given do not ever reach the board members

  15. How convenient that the final vote on this policy has been moved to an afternoon BOE meeting when it is difficult for parents to attend! It was previously scheduled for the March (evening) meeting. It sure makes it easy to get your way when you can stack the deck in your favor!!

  16. Is there another way for the public to reach the Board members to share our thoughts?

  17. If it's such a great idea at all of these schools and has such overwhelming parental and staff support, make it voluntary.


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