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Monday, March 19, 2012

1995 Video of Eric Holder: We Must ‘Brainwash’ People Against Guns

New video of Eric Holder from 1995 has surfaced, and it may put “Fast and Furious” in a much broader perspective.

Recorded on CSPAN2, the clip shows current Attorney General Eric Holder laying out a strategy to “change the hearts and minds of the people in Washington, DC” in how they look at guns.

“What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people, and make it something that’s not cool, that it’s not acceptable, it’s not hip to carry a gun anymore, in the way in which we changed our attitudes about cigarettes.”

Though it’s no surprise that Eric Holder is anti-gun, critics are saying that his proposed initiatives go too far. Among other things, Holder suggested that there be some form of hotline you could call if see a gun, or have any “information” about one.



  1. "change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people, and make it something that’s not cool, that it’s not acceptable, it’s not hip to carry a gun anymore"

    You clowns do realize he's talking about the same young dummies who shoot up Salisbury streets at night right? He's speaking to a group in DC, as in the same DC that had the highest murder rate in the nation. You wonder why people don't take you seriously when you may be right on some issues. It's because you throw up bs like this way too often.

  2. Whats even funnier it's that you'll scream "gotcha journalism" when Palin is asked what books does she read but a piece showing Holder talking about reducing gun violence by inner city youth (and the same type of folks you complain about in Salisbury) is turned into some kind of anti first amendment hit job. lol


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