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Thursday, February 09, 2012

Wake Up!


  1. Wow! This puts a lot of things into perspective!

    Vote Ron Paul!

  2. Keep your friends close - but your enemies closer!

  3. If Iran was not such a serious threat you wouldn't need all the black dots. They are there for a reason people. Yes, Wake Up!

  4. Vote for Ron Paul and ALL of those black dots will disappear!

  5. Iran is building a nuclear weapon and will use it on Israel as soon as they get it.

  6. Its another war to either start the economy as these idiots think will happen with war...

    Or its their way to get us into another war to solidify the one world govt movement...

  7. I certainly hope the black dots stay there.
    So, what is your point2k12?

    Irans leadership is just stupid enough to use a military weapon with nuclear war heads.

    We are not dealing with normal people , these are radical muslims,
    as most muslims are, if they follow there religion to a tee.

  8. 841-Yet we're the only radical people on earth ever to use it on others. "You big dummy!"

  9. Really? I know, I know...America is the real bad guy, blah, blah, blah. You go ahead and side with the Iranian Muslim extremists that openly state they want to wipe Israel off of the map. Side with the country that has been arming insurgents that are killing American soldiers, side with the country that is the largest state sponsor of terrorism. it is a noble thing to avoid conflict, but whether or not we like it, violence does solve some problems. When dealing with a rapid dog, you can't just smack them with a newspaper like a healthy dog, they won't listen to "no", they won't stop when commanded. They have to be put down, because it is them or you.
    In my opinion this post is out of line. it is your opinion and is certainly your right to have it. But you really need to think this through.

  10. 8:41, don't start with the ignorant comments first thing in the morning. You ruin my morning coffee. And it's their, not there.

  11. 9:08...yes violence has just been solving problems all over the place....Vietnam, Afganistan, Iraq (the first and second time). The US's history of going to war and having success is not pretty at all. Also, what do you think the United States would do if Canada and Mexico started creating bases that surrounded our state; we would arm ourselves. Add to the fact that you have a state that is able to hide their nuclear capabilities while the world investigates yours. And we wonder why Iran hates the West. Remember people, Iran had a democracy and the United States removed it and replaced it with a dictatorship in the name of oil.

  12. My point is that we are spending money we don't have to allegedly defend other nations against percieved threats that may not even exist - yet we can't even secure our own border that has proven to be an easy access point through which terrorist (real ones, not Americans who support the U.S. Constitution) pass everyday. How would you feel if China had military bases throughout Canada and Mexico? Let's add to that. Suppose they were telling everyone we were preparing to bomb....hmmmmm.....say...Australia. I would be looking for ways to defend our nation as well. I'm not saying that Iran is a goody two shoes. The way they treat women is deplorable. But that is their business not ours. Why should we be paying for the defense of other countries. They are Allies? Bullshit! That was not the vision of our founders and it serves only to break this nation financially from the national level all the way down to the familial level. We cannot and should not be the world police. If we truly feel they are a genuine threat, mount an insurmountable force, annihilate the threat, and come home. No nation building on our backs. Radical muslims 8:41? We have radical muslims right here and more come in all the time yet we do absolutely nothing to stop the flow. We'll spend billions to defend other nations but won't lift a finger to assure our own protection short of stripping our own citizens of their rights and dignity at every airport and train station.

    And don't believe everything you hear coming out of the government mouthpieces (MSM). The propaganda war has been in full for decades. Think not? The current administration is claiming it created over 250,000 jobs in January. Do you know how they arrived at that figure? They subtracted the number of jobs lost in one year ending January of this year from the same period last year and that number was about 250,000 less. They twisted the figures to paint a picture of a net job creation and it was patently false. THIS is the propaganda war. They will tell you anything they want to convince you that what they are doing is justified. Both parties. If you keep drinking their kool-aid you will never see the truth that is right in front of your face.

  13. Our biggest threat is in Washington, D.C. Maybe we need bases around the White House because right now Obama and his communistic ways are our biggest threat. The enemies from within.

  14. The majority of those black dots are not to pressure Iran but to provide security for the surrounding nations.

  15. OIL. its all about oil ...

  16. The best thing is that the cars of Iranian nuclear scientists have a problem, they keep blowing up with the scientists inside : )

  17. 6:20-I agree 100%,but Ron Paul does'nt fit into the agenda.The whole Iraq scenario is replaying itself,right down to the inspectors.We the people are effectively being told to sit down and shut the hell up.Frustrating ain't it.

  18. glad to see you guys are finally realizing this. ive been saying this for years and years.
    in addition, it can be certain that iraq had weapons of mass destructions (WMDs) because we sold it to them!
    once we got our men in the right spots (in iraqs government) we simply blamed sadaam for everything. (wonder why he was killed so quickly after capture?)

  19. Also 11:55 it should be noted that Iraq wouldn't buy into the global economy scheme. They didn't want to borrow money from the World Bank and pay it back with interest. What your seeing is the largest case of organized crime ever perpetrated against any society in the history of the world. I also agree with the sentiment tha it is good to see so many finally waking up. While I am no Obama fan I would be less than honest if I didn't say that he didn't start this. It has been going on for 100 years - since the inception of the Federal Reserve Bank. But Obama is damned sure culpable in the continuation of these strong armed tactics being used against us.

  20. 10:32 You have really fed into the governments explanation for those bases. Don't be naiive.

  21. I have asked this before, but why do we (American's) feel so compelled to protect Israel?

  22. What, we close bases in the states and re-open them over seas?

    And people wonder why other countries hate the U.S.?

    We need a standing army to DEFEND this country, not to occupy other countries.

    And if the beltway idiots want to be the world's policeman, are we being paid for it? In most cases, I think not.


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