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Thursday, February 09, 2012

Salisbury News Is In Possession Of Smoking Gun Letter To Wicomico Board Of Education

As I have mentioned in the past, Salisbury News is in possession of a multitude of damaging documents supporting ALL of the claims we have already published.

HOWEVER, we are now in possession of what will likely be THE letter that forced the administrative leave and the ultimate termination of the WiHi Football Coach and let me tell you, it is NOT pretty!

The alleged bullying by this Coach and other Staff is just remarkable, according to the letter. One quote I'll provide, so the BOE knows I'm for real, "In light of the recent Penn State incident I have to look at certain behaviors of this coach and ask myself if any lines are being crossed between him and students."

We're talking about students spending the night with a Coach. We're talking massages behind closed doors, including the groin area. We're talking about a Coach taking certain kids to breakfast and buying them gifts. Remember, these are High School students. Again, all claimes mentioned in this letter.

The Board, according to the letter, had been made aware of this problem last year but didn't take action until this letter was produced. A termination hadn't been done until AFTER it was exposed on Salisbury News. The Coach had been on paid administrative leave.

I have yet ANOTHER story coming in the near future that relates to the horrible rumor of one Teacher stealing from a Non Profit organization, yet it wasn't even a Non Profit and the BOE had NO RIGHT interfering. It begs to question, does Fredericksen have any clue what he's doing? Another lawsuit that will come back and bite them in the rear end.

Obviously there are numerous people coming forward who have been wrongfully terminated and or parents who are fed up that Dr. Fredericksen would IGNORE pleas from parents begging the BOE to investigate a Coach and some students involved in improper behavior.

More to come.
While the time is near for the Board to make their decision as to whether or not Fredericksen should stay on board, Salisbury News feels it is very important for YOU the public to know and or be aware of the multiple cover ups within the Wicomico BOE.

New Posts to fall below.


  1. Joe, please post them today, I beg you. Next Tuesday is the day of the vote. You may think no Board members would vote to renew, but you would be wrong. PLEASE.

  2. Joe, I heard rumors about Nettles have gone on for years and years. You can't tell me someone who had the ability to investigate those rumors further didn't know what was being said about him. It shouldn't take a letter that they couldn't ignore for them to have taken action.

  3. Maybe I sound as if I'm playing "devil's advocate," but is it just possible that the information in the letters is not totally truthful? We all know that, if a teacher mistreats a student (in the student's perception), the student can retaliate by saying some damnable things about the teacher that may be nowhere near reality. Could it be that the student who wrote this letter had, let's say, been sidelined by the coach? We just have to be careful with such "evidence."

  4. anonymous 9:40, ABSOLUTELY NOT!

    First of all, the student wasn't on the football team. Secondly, the letter was drafted by a very concerned parent who had witnessed unusual behavior for more than a year.

    You guys can come on here and try to twist thing all you like. Just remember, I have possession of the entire letter and information in full and I will challenge you right back. Nice try.

  5. Joe,
    I do not think anyone is challenging you. They are simply stating that the possibility of disgruntled slander exists. For the sake of Wicomico County, please release the information so the public has a chance to voice their concerns to the BOE. Time is running out.

  6. The answer is, NO. I gave my word I would not publish the letter but I can tell you I have read the letter in its entirety to others and they are absolutely shocked. One person even asked me to STOP reading it as they had heard enough.

    The BOE knows I have the letter and if you can't trust what I am saying, so be it.

  7. Joe, I (9:40) was not challenging you. I am a retired school teacher who knows a little of what students are capable of. Since I did not know that the writer was a parent and that the student wasn't a player, I simply put the idea out there. Thanks for making it clearer.

  8. anonymous 10:16, If there's one thing I hate it's someone who threatens a teacher with charges that are false. If you look back at the comments on our earlier Post about this Coach I think you'd clearly see this one or two kids mentioned in the letter is NOTHING compared to the many that stated they too had seen problems.

    The POINT to ALL of this is, just how much of this is going on in Wicomico County without the public knowing about it. As I had stated 4 weeks ago when we first brought this up, why hadn't the Daily Times, (who has inside people in the BOE) not saying anything about it. Better yet, why did it take four weeks for them to finally say something after we had already published it.

    They seemed to JUMP on Alex Guerrero IMMEDIATELY without hearing HIS side of things, so don't buy they were investigating it. They knew about it probably last year.

  9. Horrible rumors can damage lives. Being personally involved with the case of the non profit, it is one of the most outlandish, cowardly attacks attempting to damage a persons credibility. You are correct in that damages will be sought and justice will prevail. It makes me sad to know there are people being hurt that are truly innocent.

  10. All administrative leaves are approved by the Superintendent so don't count on the fact that the Board knows any of this.

  11. Joe,You were the first to bring many scandals in our community including the Bank of Hebron incident. What ever happened.

  12. Board did nothing to the coach that purchased alcolol in Ocean City for MMHS students as she still comes and goes to school events so why should we expect anything else for a coach at WiHi

  13. If this coach is guilty if inappropriate behavior with students (team members or not) he should be fired immediately, have to pay back all monies paid to him during this adm. leave & criminal charges filed. There would be one more pervert out of the school system. The kids need to feel safe enough to report this behavior to someone.

  14. The BOE saga is reading like a movie on Encore Suspense. Who dunnit, who knew and when did they know? Most importantly, WHY was there NO intervention? Had I been a parent with suspicions, I would have lawyered up and gone straight to the State Attorney.

  15. Dr. Freddy:

    Don't let the door hit you as you leave Wicomico County!

  16. 10:42 is correct. The lay BOE (Ron Willey et.al.) are usually not aware of any of these specific cases such as the football coaach on administrative leave. Someone has to bring these things to their attention; otherwise, they will not know. They deal with "the large picture," such as budgets. They do not have any control, for example, of administative transfers. They are merely informed by the BOE (Fredericksen et. al.)

  17. Bring those Good 'Ole Boys system of things down, Joe. These dirty boys and girls with their, do as I say and not as I do attitude has ruled too damn long since the 70's. Bring them all down, Joe. Wicomico County Big Shots have been corrupting this area since the days of C. Dykes. Bring them down Joe and then bury them for good.

  18. Don't let the door hit you were thr good lord split you. Down with the past and present authoritative figures of Wicomico County.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Bring those Good 'Ole Boys system of things down, Joe. These dirty boys and girls with their, do as I say and not as I do attitude has ruled too damn long since the 70's. Bring them all down, Joe. Wicomico County Big Shots have been corrupting this area since the days of C. Dykes. Bring them down Joe and then bury them for good.

    February 9, 2012 12:21 PM

    I agree and while you're at it, don't forget about the Good Ole Boys in Worcester County who party it up with their Good Ole Buddies at all the O.C. bars.
    These immoral thugs think they are immortal and better than everyone else. Life is short and these corrupt hypocrites will realize they are mortal in due time. Everybody eventually lays on their deathbeds and will have to answer to God.

  20. Please write to your Board members. You may think they know things they don't. Without information, and much is kept from them, they can't make good decisions.

  21. I'm sorry but I believe that they are well aware of these things. If a lay person like me is aware of them, then so are they.

  22. Joe,
    I was hoping new posts were going to fall below this one. Please move it back to the top if you think it's important enough. This is far worse than the others about the Board that stayed at the top for a whole day.

  23. Joe:

    I know for fact that the supervisor of athletics, Brian Ashby, knew about this letter and did nothing with it. As a Wi Hi parent, it appauls me that those in a position to do something about it did nothing. Oh, by the way, Mr. Ashby is a former principal at Wi Hi. Glad my kid will be out of there soon.

  24. 12:12 You “may” be right but don’t be deceived. Analogous to this story, Mark Thompson and Robin Holloway (former BOE presidents) knew full well how Mr. Williams was treated according to the article that Joe posted on February 6, 2012 (Wicomico County Board of Education Kingdom is Collapsing). He was on administrative leave before he was suspended. The full BOE didn’t possibly know but the presidents did. 12:12 My point is that the BOE’s M.O. hasn’t changed.

    Sure the superintendent can hide things, and I believe this snake does but the snake also knows that if he’s caught and didn’t run things past his lawyers all of their butts are on the line. Too many kudos and laudatory remarks are given to Mr. Willey. After all of this exposure, if he’s still naïve about this culture of corruption the whole bunch needs to go. Dr. Chase and Michelle Wright has been there a while. “You can’t depend on Chase because he must like grapes because he refuses to grow a pair.”

  25. 2:26
    Maryland law requires that educators and some others ARE REQUIRED to report SUSPECTED child abuse and neglect. They do not have to investigate it. They do not have to be positive. DSS decides if the report has merit or not. Failure to report is serious and results in the revocation of the educator's certification. Don't think this is just a high school problem. Elementary parents need to see if their concerns were reported to DSS, as well.

  26. Board members are here to serve and protect kids. Whatever you think about them, in the end they won't vote for four more years of this. You got to give it to Freddie he's good at wanting maximum power with zero responsibility. He's a smooth talker and gets very prickly if they attempt to rein him in. Maybe they're starting to realize they are his boss and not his lackies.

  27. Is it common practice for the board president, Ron Willey, to withold information from the other members?

  28. I find it ironic that the BOE is having all these problems and the IT department burns today at the board! Wonder what information will be lost?

    Makes you want to go HMMMMMMM?

  29. Thanks, 2:51. I can only speak from my knowledge as a former (now retired) teacher.

  30. For everyone who is appalled by this I really hope you intend to be at the board meeting on the 14th!!! Comments on this blog are all well and good but your voices need to be heard on the 14th!!!

  31. February 9, 2012 2:51 PM

    It's the liberal way!!

  32. Why didnt someone report it to DSS? A letter to the employers of the accused is probably not going to get you anywhere. But send it to DSS and they will investigate. Lets start standing up for our children!

  33. Anyone else notice that the BOE meeting agenda for the meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 14 isn't available on their new webpage? What's with that?

  34. 7:21
    Educators who were aware of the reported conduct involving students and did not report it to DSS should be reported now.

  35. 2:26
    While I don't doubt that you believe or even knew that the athletic director had knowledge of the letter, I find it hard to believe that you 'know' what he did or didn't do about it. Once a report is made to DSS, everything is kept confidential. The fact that he didn't tell you he did anything about it is a positive. I would be much more concerned if he would go around talking about it to someone who would then come onto a blog and anonymously post accusations. Chalk one up for him!

    And if you really did have so much knowledge, why didn't you do anything? Let he who is without blame...

  36. 7:30 PM
    Agendas are not available until 24 hours before the meeting. The agenda for Tuesday will not be available until Monday.

  37. Ahhh... they DID do something, they took him out of the school until it is resolved. If in fact they had actual evidence, he would be gone. Contrary to popular myth, educators don't cover up for each other when we hear a child is being harmed. Joe, what is the point withholding essential information? If there is evidence that a person who harmed a child is out on the street, and you fail to properly report it - that makes you morally contemptable. To withhold important evidence to futher your political agenda or boost your readers is beyond comprehension. If you had been an educator and withheld such information (yes, even if you said you would wait) you would be held criminally responsible. Man up - protect the children or shut up and stop destroying a reputation.

  38. anonymous 8:00, Look, smart ass, the letter did go to the Board of Education. Salisbury News is simply making the PUBLIC aware that something was going on. Look, if you have a problem with that I strongly suggest you draft a note to our Complaint Department. Just click on the bixg "X" on the top right hand corner of this page and it will take you immediately to that Department.

  39. I work for a boss thst is ready to call DAD if a child has a funny nose. There is something missing when anyone knows students are being abused and fails to report. Began Ashby, if you knew and did nothing, shame on you. What if that were your son or daughter?

  40. Sounds like a biased amount of comments. I wonder how many people posted in defense of this man only to have their comments deleted by this toolbag.

  41. 8:00 educators don't cover up for each other when a child is being abused? seriously? What about what happened at that school in california? there are many cases where two or more educators have been involved! you must take us for morons!

  42. What is the deal with the steroids distribution part of the story as well. I find very interesting when a football coach is accused of distributing steroids. No wonder his teams did so well. This guy is in some deep do do.

  43. Who said anything about steroids?????

  44. The daily times said steroids.

  45. I'm sorry to inform you all but some teachers do protect one another. There has been physical abuse and neglect happening in the special education "wing" at a local elementary school, almost daily.

  46. 8:22 AM
    For the sake of the children, please report it to DSS directly. If you know, you can't pretend that you don't.

  47. Whenever a report is made, it must go through school administrator. Reports have been made anonymously and somehow the administrators smooth talk the worker and cases are closed or unfounded. Special education supervisors are very aware of what happens in that "wing" and choose to do nothing. No, wait a minute, they did fire a teacher for not handling testing properly. But she really pulled a kids hair.........check it out. It happens daily.

  48. 11:46
    Please speak out. Come to the Board meeting on the 14th and stand up for the children. Don't name specific names for fear of slandering someone, but tell the truth as you know it to be.

  49. The board is in no position to make any decisions as to what happends in the school system. "They" have been notified many times of things taking place and have turned a deaf ear. What good will it do to share anything with them? I am not really sure who can or WILL make a difference. What we can all hope for is the few board members who are in favor of renewing Dr. F's contract, will see the need for a new captain of this sinking ship. And then once he is completely packed up and gone, get rid of the mates and all the help and start all over again! This is the only salvation for our system.

  50. Concerning steroids, all boys accused took tests that same day. They weren't forced into it, they wanted to prove everyone wrong and maybe shut a few haters up. For those of you saying "No wonder they did so well this year" that is pure dedication and they busted their asses in the weight room all throughout the year. Now, was their urine packed with enough powder to make a protein shake? Yes. But as far as steroids go, you can rule that out. These boys worked way too hard over the past four years for people to bash them like this. It's a shame really, how much effort these young men put in and how hard they worked for everyone to say such terrible things. Talk about the board of ed and how unorganized and ignorant they are all you want, but leave boys out of this.

  51. Bottom line.. get rid of everyone and start over. Why is the answer so flipping difficult?

  52. Its crazy how u people judge dave and don't even know him

  53. Taking a drug test does not prove whether they took anything or not. . This investigation had been going on long enough for those kids to quit taking their p.e.ds and clean their system out.The truth will come out. The parents who still are in denial are the same ones who enabled this coach to get away with this behavior for all these years.

  54. How can they have enough time to clean their system out when the allegations came out the night before? There's absolutely no way possible to do that. And yes, you're absolutely right. The truth will come out. We'll see who's singing a different song once everything is revealed.

  55. I witness abuse of a student it went to court and the find people of wicomico county jury trial found this person not guilty. this person now works in the school system today. Who is at fault here.

  56. Well I can tell ya one thing. If this was my child that this suposably happened to do you think I would of gone to the BOE? NO, I would of went straight to the police you get more results that way and even if I went to BOE and felt nothing was happening I would of went to the police. If what you say is true to have "proff" then no matter what YOU should go higher authority and help your friend!

  57. I just am disappointed in how many people are accusing him without knowing all the facts. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? No matter whether he did do the things he is accused of or he didn't(I don't believe he did myself), he deserves to be looked at in the same way as everyone would want to be, innocent until there is proof, and enough to say without doubt, he is guilty.

  58. What exactly is he being accused of anyway? Is he suspended or has he been terminated?


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