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Monday, February 13, 2012

Rep. Andy Harris' Statement On President Obama's Budget

"Today, the President released his budget - one week late, and one trillion dollars short. Only in Washington could an actual 5 percent increase in spending be called a "cut" - but that's exactly what the President did. His budget continues to tax and spend. His budget never solves the deficit problem, much less begins to pay down the exploding national debt we will leave to our grandchildren. But the President does find money to pay for Solyndra-style programs, and continues to pass the costs on to hard-working taxpayers. To say this is whistling past the graveyard is an understatement - the President once again refuses to take leadership on the greatest challenge facing our nation today - getting our debt and deficit under control. The President is right; we can't wait for him to take leadership in tackling the debt and the deficit. He never will. And we can't wait for the Senate to take action - over 1,000 days have passed since they offered a budget blueprint. Once again, the House will have to take leadership on reining in the debt and deficit by proposing a budget that makes the tough choices that are necessary to head off a Greek-style federal bankruptcy."


  1. Some one needs to ask Harris about the bill congress is trying to pass to require a 1% tax on all trans-action at your bank. Deposits, withdraws, everything.

  2. Harris is right on! Don't change the focus. Obama just doesn't get it. Question? Who is upset that nearly 100,000 veterans will be out of work under the Obama plan to deplete the military? Is that creating jobs???? To our most loyal, we will put them on the unemployment lines. Just great!


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