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Sunday, February 05, 2012

Record Days, Outstanding Information

Salisbury News numbers are, to put it mildly, exploding. The local MSM have proven they will say and do just about anything to attempt to discredit me. Hence the TWO articles about a recent fender bender. If you were not aware, they didn't just publish one article about me, they published one that said "Salisbury Blogger" and another one that said, "Delmar Blogger".

Now, here's the major difference between Salisbury News and the Daily Times. For example, the Football Coach we published information about 4 weeks ago, the Daily Times published it, what, yesterday? Yet they have INSIDERS in the BOE and the only reason they put anything out there was because we uncovered it first and too many people challenged them as to why they didn't produce the story.

We have ALL seen them publishing things weeks after we publish them and quite frankly no one can trust them any more, so they're pissed, hence the Editor saying F/U Joe Albero. You have all seen the Sunday Newspaper stands almost full to the top. No one wants to pay $2.00 for OLD NEWS you saw on Salisbury News 4 weeks ago. Then they write stories about the state paying 96% of the total cost of Bennett Middle School and they knew that was complete BS. I could go on and on.

The Daily Times is nothing short of a propaganda newspaper for special interests and Salisbury News is the ONLY news source out there delivering the truth and facts. Salisbury News is also the ONLY news source out there people can trust. Hence ALL of the people/victims coming forward exposing the facts/truth.

Now, if you think I'm done exposing more information on the BOE, well, you'd be seriously mistaken. I have TWO more stories coming out either later today or tomorrow. There is more information coming out than I would have ever thought possible. I even had one person call be about the article we did on the expensive lights on the tennis courts at the High School. Boy were they pissed off. You see, ALL the bickering and fighting that has gone on about Olney and Batemen Road and the fact that the BOE stated they don't have the funding to pay for the reconstruction of that new intersection, yet they want the TAXPAYERS of Salisbury to pay for that intersection and the Board goes out and buys better lights than any of the sports complexes on the Shore. Salisbury Taxpayers got screwed, period.

People are coming forward to Salisbury News because while we have the names and contacts of the authors, while we hold onto documents, (for now) proving what they are saying is factual, people know they can trust me. Our goal is to EDUCATE you with the TRUTH. The BOE and the Daily Times are pissed off because they know we have the audience. They know we now exceed the volume of traffic than ANY other news source on the Shore. They do NOT want this information exposed, yet it is our job to do so, shouldn't it be theirs too. Do we agree with everything we publish, absolutely not. However, is it the truth, absolutely.

All too often people say that Joe Albero will eventually throw you under the bus. Well, I guess if it is the TRUTH, I will. I have a job to do and I have tens of thousands of people visiting this Site each and every day. I may not be the most LIKED individual to some but let me assure you, I am respected and those who claim they do not read Salisbury News, well, they're liars and my numbers prove it.

Mr. Fredericksen, if you think for a second that I don't know about how the Board of Ed is following Salisbury News, you'd be sadly mistaken. If you think I don't know about how you and your people are desperately trying to find out who is leaking such information, let me just tell you this. You're wasting your time because it is MULTIPLE people who do not support you or the Board. You may not like that but one thing is for sure, your next 4 years will be more difficult than you can imagine, IF you get hired again.

IF you or anyone else think Joe Albero is going away, your wrong. This is my job Mr. Fredericksen. I'm sure other Bloggers are making up incredible stories about me and my past. Heck, even the Daily Times used their paper last week trying to make me look like a criminal. They have been doing this to me for 7 years now and guess what, it doesn't bother me. The cover ups need to end. The BOE will EXPEL people for cheating. Maybe its time to EXPEL some of our leaders the same way the Board expels students.

In the mean time, thank you for visiting Salisbury News. Thank You for sharing your opinions. Together we will STOP the internal bickering in different Boards and Council's. More importantly my hope is that we stop the bickering and wrongful termination of those people who were actually doing the honorable thing.


  1. The daily times has turned into the guide or the penny saver! Only good to start fires or line your bird cage!

  2. Come on, Joe, let 'em rip! We wanna know it ALL now!!!

  3. The BOE won't expel for anything except having a weapon. Even known drug dealers only get switched to other high schools.

  4. The only thing worth reading in that publication is Brice Stump's articles. He's a genius!

  5. Keep it up, Joe. The Daily Times is a rag, for many years tied to the BOE.

  6. This is the best dang news source - east of the Mississippi. Who the heck are you guys? I saw another commenter post the same thing a few days ago. Where do you get your research . . . as it is on-point and extremely accurate.

  7. To 1:30 Post

    The X-Men mutants don't have anything over on these SBYnews folks. I agree with you - I'm really impressed in their reporting. And the photos are killer!

  8. I knew they doing roids over at WiHi.

  9. Joe,
    You are truly a wonderful gift to Salisbury. We might not always agree with your blog but we always respect your opinion. You are the only one offering a different perspective. If I wasn't married I'd be after you, cutie. Of course I can't give you my name. LOL


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