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Thursday, February 09, 2012

Pentagon Wants Congree To Remove Women From Combat

The Pentagon will recommend Congress today to formally change the rules regarding women in combat. Defense officials tell the Associated Press the new rules will continue the longstanding prohibition on women serving as infantry, armor and special operations forces. But they will formally allow women to serve in other jobs at the battalion level, which have been off limits until now, at least on paper. In reality though, women have been serving on the front lines over the last 10 years of war, often as medics, military police or intelligence officers.


  1. Wow,
    This should go over well with the women groups in America.

  2. In my 8 years of military service, this is one of the top subjects that really peed me off. Why are women allowed to earn the same pay, take the ideal billits and go to the same training as those males who actually were on the front lines and placed in harms way if they were only going to be allowed to see combat from miles away. In my own personal opinion, I found females to be as good if not better than some males in training and I feel that they would do fine in close combat. If females do not want to go into combat, then they do not need to join the military. Females and males should be treated exactly the same. I can tell you from personal experience, I really did not give two hoots what was in the pants of my squad members as long as their trigger finger worked fine.


  3. screwed over Ex- inmateFebruary 9, 2012 at 5:34 PM

    Yes, I agree males and females should be treated equal, but did you know even the Wicomico county jail treats female work release inmates differantly than males? Yup, they only get charged $35.00 a week for housing in work release but males get charged $70.00. Now both sexes eat, bathe, sleep, and go to work, and if dad is in jail he is probably the big breadwinner so he is working to pay for his family while he is in jail, (Hopefully he is responciable for his family), and he has to pony up $35 bucks extra by being a male??? This is clearly against the law, it is pure discrimination based on a persons sex!

  4. let them fight we have enough lady gym teachers


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