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Monday, February 13, 2012

Pentagon May Oust Troops Involuntarily Under Budget Reductions

The Defense Department may have to force soldiers, Marines or other members of the military out of the services for the first time since the aftermath of the Cold War to achieve the spending reductions in its budget proposal.

The Pentagon plans to cut 67,100 soldiers from active and reserve Army units and the Army National Guard in the five years starting Oct. 1, as well as 15,200 from the active and reserve ranks of the Marine Corps as part of an effort to save $487 billion over a decade, according to the budget sent to Congress today. The Navy and Air Force would lose fewer people -- 8,600 and 1,700 respectively -- because of their role in a strategic shift toward the Asia-Pacific region and the Middle East.



  1. The beginning or the end for America. Thanks Obama and Congress. They all should be ousted.

  2. Fruitland Generic CitizenFebruary 13, 2012 at 8:32 PM

    Oh, that's right, the right wants budget cuts, just not to the military, which is being asked to take a ONE PERCENT baseline cut. I thought we needed to cut the budget? well, the military is a pretty large part of it. Just what are we protecting Germany from these days, any way? Ron Paul's right on this one!


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