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Monday, February 13, 2012

Obama Campaign Launches ‘Truth Teams’

The Obama campaign is today beginning a new effort to enlist and educate at least 2 million supporters for a “grassroots communications team” they’re calling the Truth Team.

“The goal is to ensure that when Republicans attack President Obama’s record, grassroots supporters can take ownership of the campaign and share the facts with the undecided voters in their lives,” the campaign said in a statement.

The teams will be first launched in 13 “swing states,” including Iowa, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, Nevada, Ohio and Virginia.



  1. Wow now Obama dosent have to be "the liar"! He has enlisted a whole team to do it for him.

  2. 842 you are right. He has many already though. Brainwashed mutants who hate America and support a Kenyan, muslim who hates everything American. A bumb who came here, sucked off money to get an education, lied and manipulated his way to the presidency and now is attacking everything: the Constitution included. Hates the rich. Loves those who never work and suck off the government teet takes the $$$ from those who have it, to give to those who don't want to work, have multiple babies, live in section 8 housing, etc. etc. etc. Enough already!!

  3. This is the same tactic that the former Soviet Union used.
    It is called disinformation propaganda.
    Obama should be charged with treason!


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