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Thursday, February 09, 2012


Watch the video here

ANNAPOLIS (February 8, 2012) – A new video released by Obama for America tells the unique story of how one man was there at every key point as President Obama kept his promise to responsibly end the war in Iraq and bring our troops home.

Bob Howard, a civil rights lawyer from Chicago, was there when Obama spoke out against the Iraq War in 2002. Five years later, Bob was there when Senator Obama outlined his plan to the end the war. Last December, Howard watched as President Obama welcomed home the last troops from Iraq.

At every step of the way and in the voting booth in 2008, Bob Howard was wearing his lucky purple shirt.

Like millions of Americans across the country, Howard understood that the President was taking a principled yet politically perilous stand to ensure the United States was safer, stronger and focused on the right priorities.

“President Obama has the guts to come out and say no, this is the wrong thing to do,” said Howard. “Ending the war is one of the many reasons why I know I chose the right candidate. It makes him a strong president and trustworthy.”

“Voters want to support a strong and decisive leader who stands for their values,” said Maryland Democratic Party Chair Yvette Lewis. “Whether it is putting people back to work, reforming Wall Street, passing historic healthcare reform, or ending the war in Iraq, President Obama has kept his promises to the American people. He has proven to be a bold leader who is willing to make the hard decisions. This is in direct contrast to Mitt Romney and the other GOP presidential candidates, who lack core convictions and will say anything to get elected.”


  1. Yes, Obama is a bold FRAUD.
    He was strong and decisive when he applied for foreign student scholarships as a "non-citizen", Barry Soetro. He gained access to American taxpayer dollars to fund his education under false pretense as a muslim citizen of Indonesia.
    So, having bilked the American public out of their dollars as a citizen of Indonesia, he then states he was actually born in Hawaii...
    So, which is it Mr. President???

  2. I want to throw up after reading that crap.

  3. Bullsh@t! This is put out by the state of Maryland. Give an intelligent person a break.


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