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Thursday, February 09, 2012

Md. County Revives Plan To Charge Jail Inmate Fees

FREDERICK, Md. - State lawmakers from Frederick County are reviving a proposal to charge jail inmates for intake processing and education.

The Frederick News-Post reports that Republican Delegate Michael Hough presented the bill Tuesday to the House Judiciary Committee (http://bit.ly/xXZG73).

It would set a $10 intake fee for processing new inmates and a one-time fee of $25 for participating in the GED program.



  1. Bring this ideal to Wicomico County Detention Center. The inmates at this facility sure do got it made. All they do is eat, sleep, have bowel movements, fight and play like a bunch of little boys and girls. Jail to them is like a camp or a vacation from the real world. They'll rest, get fat and then get release. They bring havoc to the community while they are release. Soonafter, they get bored with lifs's unending responsibilities and commit a crime just to start the cycle in jail all over again. The C. O.'s who work around thses people 24/7 need to be compensated. Bring that reommendation to Wicomico.

  2. Good luck collecting.

  3. They are pitaful! How you gonna charge somebody who can't work or make money. you can get your ged free on the street. you booking them so why charge and also the state gets money per inmate they get there monies worth. ALSO, TO THE PERSON WHO SAID JAIL IS LIKE CAMP I HAVE WORKED IN THE NURSING DEPARTMENT IT DEFLY IS NOT THEY BE TRYING TO KILL EACH OTHER IN THERE. iT ISN'T ALL APPLES AND PEARS. THE FOOD IS HORRIBLE SO IF THEY ARE LUCK ENOUGH TO GET MONEY THEY NEED IT TO BUY SOME FOOD. THEY GET TREATED LIKE CRAP THE GUARDS. SOME GUARDS HELP OTHER INMATES FIGHT AND HURT EACH OTHER, YOU HAVE GUARDS WHO BRING DRUGS AND CONTRABAND TO THE INMATES. TELL THE REAL STORY. The jail steals money from the inmates come on the whole system is corupted the jail is full of inmates wearing badges. not all guards are bad true and niether are are inmates. Life happens God is the judge of us all and he is the only one who can do that. Those inmates will get help from God before you guys writting this do. Some of you sleep with the inmates in there this is real talk and true life. God is here for sinners not saint why because there isn't any saints. Name one person who is a saint can't name one huh. This world is beautiful the people in it make it ugly. LET US PRAY FOR FORGIVNESS WE ALL NEED IT. GOOD LUCK ON JUDGEMENT DAY..

  4. 3:37, you can't make us belive your educated enough to have worked in the medical part of anything, just look at your spelling!

  5. stop exporting jobs and put all the inmates too work and pay us for their labors we could pay down the debt stop being taxed and all live the good life like before the great war between the states
    if people are going to act like animals lets yoke them into that of toil

  6. guards do get compensated moe. Sometimes more than they are worth. Besides the occasional visitor, who else do you think brings in contraband?

    Some of the guards are just as bad or worse than the ones they babysit.


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