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Thursday, February 09, 2012

Md. Clergy Issue Video Supporting Gay Marriage, ReligiousLleaders To Offer Testimony Friday

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) -- Some Maryland religious leaders are advocating for a bill to legalize same-sex marriage.

A coalition of gay rights groups, Marylanders for Marriage Equality, released an ad featuring the testimony of clergy members Wednesday afternoon.



  1. they may PERSONALLY believe that gays being together is OK. however, they RELIGIOUSLY shouldnt accept it. so, they either need to stay out of government ~OR~ stay out of the church because they arent mixing.

  2. I'll bet I can find twice as many clergy that do not support gay marriage.How stupid does the state government think we are?

  3. I agree, 12:82. If they follow the Bible as it is written, it is quite clear about homosexuals interacting sexually; that would certainly and foremost include marriage. How a minister gay marriage is beyond me. I am NOT casting aspersions on gays, only on ministers' acting contrary to the word of God as found in the Bible. It's difficult for me to reconcile the two.

  4. 1:37 People at your church eat shell fish?

  5. How can anyone who is a minister not know God's word states in Leviticus that a man shall not lay down with a man as with a woman, for it is an abomination. God created man and woman to be able to have children, men can not have kids, and women can not without a part of a man. A minister will pay dearly if he OK's gay marriage. I hate to be him when he meets God. Gays should be happy to be together and stop pushing to be married. Marriage should be between a man and a woman only. Why are so few trying to change the way life has been for hundreds of years.

  6. none of ITs Gods word
    its mans word and its blasphemous for man to even assume he knows the will or word of God
    that is what makes the whole thing a SHAM and the devoted as guilty as original sinners assuming they know God

  7. I guess the Black Church Leaders don't read the Bible. God detroyed whole cities for their homosexuality. Sodom and Gomorrah. Thatiswhere we get the word Sodomy from. The Bible also say " A man shall not lie down eith another man as with a woman. It is an abomination and both shall be stoned to death." That is what God's word has to say about it. So any minister of the gospel that condoned such things either don't read their Bible. or probably have never been saved by God's grace. There are a lot of false prophets just preaching anything because they are just in it for the money.So based on God's word you cannot mix homsexuality and being a good christian.


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