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Thursday, February 09, 2012

Letter To The Editor - PrePaid Legal Scheme/Scam In Our Area

Dear Mr. Albero,

I am writing to warn your readers about the PrePaid Legal Network Marketing scheme/scam that has been spreading throughout the Eastern Shore. I know of many people who lost several hundreds of dollars and wasted several hours and days of valuable time on this scheme/scam, myself included. In my opinion, it is comparable to a Ponzi Scheme and I highly recommend against anyone joining it. As in a Ponzi Scheme, the members who joined the Pre-Paid scheme early make a huge profit. The people they lure in to join this network, usually remain at the bottom of the "pyramid" and waste a lot of their time and hard-earned money. This waste of money goes to the scrupulous "elite" schemers/scammers at the top of the pyramid.

One of the "elite" that introduced this scheme/scam was to the Eastern Shore was a realtor named Nancy Britt who resides in Ocean City. Now a fellow named Nathan Bourne often holds events at the Market Street Inn in Salisbury. I have witnessed both of these people present their network in a hyped-up fashion. It is all an act and they are phony actors. Do not be fooled. As the adage goes, "If it's too good to be true, it usually is" and for those who do decide to go to these hyped-up "acts", I highly recommend that they trust their instincts before they FOREVER part ways with their hard-earned cash.

Former Pre-Paid Legal Member who was a...SUCKER


  1. Nancy Britt was very pushy with this while shopping at the Department store where I work.

  2. Yes, I heard about this too and thought it was too good to be true.

  3. Pyramid Schemes and Ponzi Schemes are two completely different things. also what exactly is the Scheme, you talk about it but never describe what it is.

  4. Dear sucker,
    don't feel bad.

    Will rogers said He'd rather be the one who bought the Brooklyn Bridge than the one who sold it.

  5. I am afraid that I don't understand why your are upset.

    First, PrePaid Legal changed their name. It is now Legal Shield.

    In exchange for roughly $35/mo, you gain access to a large amount of legal benefit. How do they make their money? Think about this - how many times have you used a lawyer? Me personally - never. It's like insurance, where a large number of people share the risk of legal expenses.

    In the last 10 years, my employers and myself have probably spent $40k - $50k in insurance premiums. And I have some additional out of pocket expenses, probably in the range of $1000. In only 1 of 10 years did my benefit exceed the dollars spent. That year I aquired Lyme Disease. It included two trips to the emergency room, a dozen trips to my primary care physician, two trips to an infectious disease specialist, two trips to a Lyme specialist, and numerous medications. My statements of benefit show roughly $15000 in reimbursement. So is health insurance a scam, too?

    Legal Shield pays you roughly $150 per signup. If you get one signup per day, that's like getting paid $20/hr. How many people make that? Sign up 10 people in a company, and you will make even more. You also make some trailing points, I think.

    Now just like any other MLM venture, you really don't make big money by selling products to people. You make money by selling people on the product. Recruit new agents, and you will get paid based on their sales.

    In this model, those that build the largest networks make the greatest rewards. So getting in early is very important. Growing your personal network with the right people is even more important. But in the scheme of things, you are having a greater impact on the success of the company than the person who just signed up to sell and hasn't done anything. How is this unfair?

    Personally, I don't like MLM direct selling, and I do not participate in it. But it is a fascinating business model. I have seen a few do really well, and many fail miserably.

  6. Yeah,

    It's a scam because it didn't work for you maybe? Sounds about right. I'm a member and have used the service. It's definitely done what it advertised. As far as the business goes, I've definitely made my money back on my investment.

    You may say that since I am involved my opinion is slightly biased, but I can show you numbers to back my claim.

    Also, it's not a Ponzi scheme. If you're going to bash something at least get the insult correct. Speaking of wasting time, did anyone else read this "Letter to The Editer"?

    Since you were not courteous enough to leave a name, look me up. I will gladly talk to you about it and maybe consult your failures.


    Travis Sterling

    1. It is a multi level marketing organization...MLM....MORMONS LOSING MONEY

  7. My good friend and I were suckered out of our money too! Nancy Britt put on a good act in Ocean City. We should have realized how phony she was so don't feel bad.

  8. We looked into this and decided if we needed an attorney we would contact a good LOCAL attorney.

  9. I've had pre-paid legal in the past. Like someone said, it's like having insurance if you need a lawyer.

    If you got a speeding ticket in another state, they would go to court for you so you wouldn't have to travel there.

    I really don't understand why you are calling it a scam, scheme or anything else.

  10. i find Nancy Britt to be a very professional business woman. i've never heard anything negative about her in my years of her acquaintance. she does have an effervescent and outgoing personality that i find refreshing.

    pre-paid legal aka legal shield has been around for MANY years and is a legitimate company. yes; it is MLM but that isn't a negative.

    those of you who think you were snookerd simply didn't understand the business and certainly didn't comprehend the benefits offered you. it really is a good deal and you passed it up. oh, bummer...

  11. nathan bourne is just a loser

    his little t-shirt business failed miserably and now he has to resort to peddling fake legal insurance

  12. Yea Nathan Bourne is a big loser. He graduated in the top percentile of his class. Went to an Ivy League school. Was an All American wrestler. Started a clothing company his freshman year of college from his dorm room which was in stores like all around town and was on MTV last year. And now makes 6 figures in this legal company. What a bum... Especially for booming Salisbury/ ocean city Maryland.

    1. Kenneth Lay earned his Masters degree and was the CEO of Enron where he committed fraud and was indicted. Bourne won a measly 1 match as a wrestler in college because he sucked. His fly-by-night clothing company sucked too and it never ever generated a profit. He's a phony who scams honest people and that is why he makes 6 figures. Legal Shield is a sham that scams.

  13. I have had Pre-Paid Legal for about 12 years and have had the occasion to use the service numerous times when I had legal questions, and twice when I got a speeding ticket. It's been worth the money for the peace of mind.

    I also sold PPL for a while and took the group and business training so I could sell to groups and also to businesses. I did okay at it but I wasn't dedicated enough to keep at it long term. I suspect that "Ms. Letter to the Editor" probably was in that same boat. Nobody ever put pressure on me to recruit. While I gave up selling it, I intend to keep the service myself. It's a good company and I've always received excellent assistance when I needed it. Since legal fees are so high, the monthly fee I pay is well worth it.

  14. I am here to say that if you are "anonymous" on here then you have no idea what you are saying. For all I know,you are jealous that someone got the benefit from it and you were to lazy to follow through. I got excited about joining this company because it has no competition and everyone needs the service. We have all went out to a restaurant and have had bad servie. In saying that,did you ever go back to that restaurant due to bad service? Sometimes we do sometimes we don't depending on the circumstances and if the Manager fixed the issue. So with that said, dot yout I's and cross you T's. Next time just pay attention and you MIGHT get your information right. You probably live where there are not a list of lawyers to use.

  15. Did "Pre Paid Legal" change their name to "Legal Shield" due to the Jody Arias trial?

  16. Over priced is it legal

     Your legal product is overpriced and has mediocre coverage. I have much better coverage with better cost savings.
    You charge 25 per month = 300/yr,( no telling other got ya's)
    How about 8 per month or 80 a year, wow that is a savings of 220/ year. Plus better more extensive coverage.

  17. Nathan Bourne is a joke who uses people. Whatever, lied about his life story of being so broke. That family photo does not show a broke family. Ivy leagues school cost money by the way and no way he got a free ride, unless he hustled it...

    He is now selling My CORE Benefits that he started. Hard to believe he has any credibility when you see the people who represent him. He now lives in Annapolis.

    I can afford to hire an attorney if I need one respectfully...

  18. Yes from first hand experience meeting Nathan Bourne, is a joke and full of BS and false promises. Sadly misleading the people who work for him as tools for profit. His profit! The people who represent him are just business community rejects!

  19. As a former partner with Nathan Bourne with Mycore, I saw first hand how he manipulates people, plays the religion card, doesn't pay his bills, refuses to pay commissions owed(thousands of dollars) and spreads false propaganda about anyone who leaves Mycore… looks like he started a company called Xperience Benefits.... beware.


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