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Thursday, February 09, 2012

Delegate Wants To Ban Arsenic In Chicken Feed

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — A Maryland lawmaker said Wednesday that poultry feed containing a known carcinogen should be banned from Maryland farms even though its maker has already stopped selling it voluntarily.

Delegate Tom Hucker, D-Montgomery, told a panel of his colleagues Wednesday that even though Pfizer Inc. has voluntarily suspended the sale of roxarsone, a chemical often put in chicken feed to help the birds grow and fight parasites, he wants the chemical banned here.



  1. Can we please ban lawmakers from Montgomery County?

  2. can't we find something else for the idiots to do. Like maybe pick up trash along side the road or something. They may be qulified to do that.

  3. Arsenic has been long known to cause cancer in humans. The companies who sell meat products in which this feed is used should be required to put it on the label that feed was used with arsenic in it and it could be a potential health risk, like they do cigarettes and alcohol.

  4. Joe:

    Are you old enough to remember that ad for rat poison (Warfarin) --

    "it kills me but I love it!

  5. "can't we find something else for the idiots to do"

    The idiots are those who feed their families arsenic laced meat 11:41 without questioning the effects. Maybe you think it's okay for your family but I don't want mine eating it!

  6. I don't care if my chicken has Arsenic in it, as long as it's crisp

  7. No arsenic for me please! If I'm going to kill myself I'd rather do it the fun way with wine and cigarettes!

  8. well that sounds like a no brainer
    why a debate
    Id like mercury out of my fish too while their at it


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