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Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Counterfeit Money, Counterfeit Policy

What is the difference between printing money and counterfeiting? There is none.

Counterfeiting is illegal because it is the false creation of value. The counterfeiter takes low-value paper and turns it into high-value money, which is fundamentally a claim on the real productive value of the economy that issues the currency and recognizes it as a proxy means of exchanging that productive value.

Counterfeiting is illegal because the counterfeiter creates no additional value--he creates only the proxy for value. Creating real value--adding meaningful goods or services to the economy--is tedious, hard work. How much easier to simply transform near-worthless paper into a claim on actual goods and services.

If this is illegal, then would somebody please arrest the Board of the Federal Reserve for counterfeiting? The Fed has blatantly printed money without creating any real value to back up their added claims on productive value. Hence they are counterfeiting, pure and simple. A government based on rule of law would arrest these fraudsters and cons at the earliest possible convenience.

And while you're drawing up the indictment, can you also charge them with counterfeiting competence and policy, as they have demonstrated the Peter Principle par excellence: the Board has risen to its highest level of incompetence. Their counterfeit policies have wreaked incomparable damage on the real productive economy.

The essence of counterfeit policy--a fake policy that claims to be something it is not--is "extend and pretend." And the sole goal of "extend and pretend" is self-preservation and the preservation of the Financial Elite which has tightened its grip on the nation's throat as a direct consequence of Federal Reserve policies--notably "extend and pretend."

"Extend and pretend" extends the "too big to fail" Financial Sector's licence to mask its insolvency and its licence to continue issuing debt, leverage and derivatives under false pretences, i.e. that the risk and market value of these instruments are transparent. They are not.

In effect, the banks are also counterfeiters, as they are issuing debt--a claim on future productive value--without adding any actual value to the economy



  1. This author has lost his/her grip on reality.

  2. Yes this is all true, but a friend of mine is doing time for spending fake money he didn't even know was fake. He got it at the Flea Market in change and spent it at differant stores, $5.00 bills of all things. Looks like we all are going to have to buy one of those detecting pens, if your spending fake money rather you know it or not, your arrested and sent to jail.

  3. 11:11 AM

    Is he the one who hung himself at eci?

  4. 11:11 not everyone gets arrested for making and passing counterfeit bills. Happened with a couple of underage siblings/students in Salisbury in the 90s. But if you're a minor and you have a rich parent, you get off--like they did. Wish Albero's blog had been around then.


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