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Monday, February 13, 2012

At Least 65 Police Officers Who Worked At Ground Zero Died Of Cancer

NEW YORK – At least 65 police officers who attended Ground Zero have died of cancer since 9/11, statistics showed.

The Patrolmen's Benevolent Association (PBA) released the figure at a Sunday briefing featuring ailing cops who worked at Ground Zero. The announcement will turn up pressure on New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg to release cancer data to the federal government for expanded medical coverage, PBA officials said.



  1. The Towers were outdated and full of asbestos. They needed to "come down" as the cost of repairing them was far too high.

    Their implosions were the best thing that could have happened to Larry Silverstein.

    Larry bought the entire Twin Tower complex just 2 months prior to its destruction. He took out and collected on an insurance policy which protected the complex against a terrorist attack.

    Imagine the luck of the poor insurance salesman. You sell a policy for billions of dollars of protection to a man who purchased a site for $100 million down - and only sought to protect it against an event which had never happened before in history. Then, voila . . . it happens.

    What a stroke of luck for Mr. Silverstein!

  2. I never heard that in the media.

  3. 1:33
    You're welcome.
    Now I am probably on a watch list for telling it to you.

  4. I never heard that in the media.

    February 13, 2012 1:33 PM

    It was there, briefly. Along with a news story where the reporter was saying building 7 had already fallen when it was still standing behind her in the same video.

    There were a few 'misspeaks' that were corrected and never allowed to see the light of day.


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