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Saturday, January 21, 2012

It Isn't Just Volleyball Coaches Having Problems At WiHi

While Salisbury News was the first to publish criminal charges against a Wicomico County Teacher, I personally feel a little more dignity has to be shown towards these Teachers, for the time being. It may be our job to expose charges, it is not our job, (imho)to get into details.

In my almost 50 years of life I have seen MANY Teachers charged and very few convicted. It seems easy these days to file charges against a Teacher and quite frankly I feel its important to let these things go to court, (if it ever goes that far) and report the outcome.

We have received quite a few comments challenging us as to why we didn't give a full description but I knew those parents who may show a concern would recognize the name and at least have the heads up. After all, the charges we provided do tell the story.

Now we ALL know the Daily Times has MANY inside Board of Education sources. Today we're getting in comments saying they gave greater details. Good for them, I hope they're proud of themselves. HOWEVER, to those nay sayers who get a thrill challenging me, DO TELL US WHY THE DAILY TIMES HAS SAID NOTHING ABOUT THE FOOTBALL COACH!

Oh, you want to now watch the local MSM squirm, this is one hell of a story too. The Football Coach at WiHi has been on administrative leave for the past FIVE WEEKS, yet no one seems to want to expose that either. Did you also know the last Volleyball Coach at WiHi was actually convicted of similar charges?

So you see Folks, your local MSM only wants to feed you stories that are hand fed to them and or read Salisbury News to catch the "real time" news and then follow up on what we produced the day before. I'm cool with that. But don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining, "Delmarva's News Leader," yeah, right! Doesn't WBOC have a Sports guy that makes a living at just telling sports news, yet we had to deliver to big stories before they ever knew anything was going on. Why hasn't WBOC exposed the Football Coach story?

The Board of Education has some MAJOR issues and it all stems from the top, down. They cover up criminal investigations and only AFTER we published the information very early yesterday morning about charges being filed on one Teacher/Coach, they actually did a robo call to all the parents explaining what was going on. Well, WHY NOTHING ON THE FOOTBALL COACH DR. FREDERICKSEN?

For those of you who are aware of who, what, when and why, go ahead and share it in comments. In the mean time, this will become NEWS when a Judge finds someone guilty. But don't be afraid to call Fredericksen and ask what the heck is going on with the Football Coach.

In closing, I am working on another BIG story right here and now. I have to take a ride to get some pictures before I put up the Post but sit tight today Folks, I've got another great one coming.


  1. The teachers and coaches are innocent until proven guilty.

    We all know there are teachers and coaches who do inappropriate and criminal things to children.

    There are also teachers and coaches who get falsely accused by students trying to get back at them for some reason, often because they had the nerve to discipline a student or hold them responsible for their actions.

    Getting this kind of accusation when you innocent is life-devastating. People need to keep that in mind before the go badmouthing and smearing. Even after getting declared innocent by a jury, these peoples' lives and careers are never the same.

    The news should never cover up charges, but they should not exploit them either to sell their papers. Joe's got the right idea here.

  2. WiHi's football coach's past is more than checkered. What he is accused of comes as NO surprise to anyone around here. It is appalling that the MSM has done NOTHING to cover him and his indecency. If he truly is guilty, then he needs to be put away for a long, long time...

  3. The teachers Union is protecting them.

  4. To answer your post Joe, rumor says that Coach Nettles has been accused of having inappropriate relationships with his players too...unfortunately, his players are boys...

    He has had several players "move in" with him throughout his tenure at WiHi, then they graduate and he replaces them with another player. A former player finally came forward and admitted that he had been abused. Rumor has it that the FBI is investigating as well...

  5. "There are also teachers and coaches who get falsely accused by students trying to get back at them for some reason, often because they had the nerve to discipline a student or hold them responsible for their actions.

    Getting this kind of accusation when you innocent is life-devastating. People need to keep that in mind before the go badmouthing and smearing. Even after getting declared innocent by a jury, these peoples' lives and careers are never the same."

    You are exactly right. I was a teacher (now retired) who can tell you that kids can retaliate by making up these kinds of charges. What happens if this is the case with the volleyball coach? He's ruined; even if the charges prove to be bogus,he is forever labeled "the pervert." The DT and any other outlet should refrain from making this Page 1 news until the trial is held. Even if the grand jury send it to trial, the charges haven't been proven. (I served on a grand jury).

  6. ...and Coach Nettles is African American, which will make them tread more lightly. Sorry, just the way it goes with the BOE.

  7. Union protected teachers keep their salaries and their benefits when they sexually abuse their students, American soldiers are condemned and accused of war crimes for urinating on a dead enemy corpse. The only thing preventing Unions from rightfully becoming obsolete is the DEMOCRAT party. Start with the DEMOCRAT party when assigning blame for Union members.

  8. Just look at the mess that's been elected to represent the State in Annapolis. They are introducing bills that range from felon rights, illegal rights, same sex marriage rights, and more recently transgender rights. Why is anyone surprised to learn about perverts in the schools when the Government itself is promoting perversion as "normal"?

    I personally don't think that people have been so stupid to elect who's in office as much as I think they've been too lazy to even vote and have an influence in what Annapolis does to the rest of the State while those that are stupid support these idiots to the point they (continue) to get elected.

    If you don't like it, vote. If you don't want to make an effort to vote, stop bitching!

    PS: My wife once ran for County Council in MD and collected more votes per $$ spent on ANY candidate. She lost.

  9. I think they need to look into steroid use on the football team as well. It was pretty much assumed that Coach used them while playing at SSU. Now they have a player at WiHi who could bench 450 lbs. and squat over 600 as a sophomore? Please, no 15 year old sophomore can lift those amounts without chemical help no matter how much he works out. There are plenty of D1 college players who don't lift that much weight. Having students move in with him is also one way Coach N gets kids from other schools to play for WiHi instead of Bennett or Parkside.

  10. Anonymous said...

    The teachers and coaches are innocent until proven guilty.

    January 21, 2012 1:42 PM

    Yeah right!! Unless it was your child that was violated you moron!

  11. Again, 8:26, there have been MANY instances where careers and lives have been ruined by FALSE accusations. Kids of this generation know how to work the system, sad but true. They have become manipulative and know how to get what they want and need.

  12. John Fredericksens contract for Wicomico County Superintendent of Schools will come up for a vote at the next BOE meeting. If you think he should not have his contract renewed I think you should contact the BOE members as soon as possible.

    This might be a good survey question in the near future! Should the BOE renew John Fredericksen's contract?

  13. If you don't like it, vote. If you don't want to make an effort to vote, stop bitching!

    Wrong attitude. Voting never guarantees any changes other than perhaps a different face. And it takes years to vote on something.

    Bitching, as you call it, keeps the issue alive and in the forefront of people's minds so it's not forgotten and maybe something will happen to change it.

    I despise that saying 'if you don't vote, you have no right to complain'.

    It's not only wrong but counter productive as well. Just another attempt to silence the public's voice.

  14. 9:15 PM
    Any teacher who, year after year, has students living with him is not just helping kids in need.

  15. Coach Nettles is homosexual that is a fact but the real issue is HOW can a coach have under age students living with them and Nobody raises a concern? As for Steve Kiggins why is he still working at the school and not suspended with pay until the investigation is complete?

  16. There is a difference between a homosexual and a pedofile. Being gay does NOT make a pedofile.

  17. Anonymous said...

    As for Steve Kiggins why is he still working at the school and not suspended with pay until the investigation is complete?

    January 22, 2012 9:26 AM

    What makes you think he isn't suspended with way?? He should be suspended without pay. If he is found innocent then he should get paid back. He has been arrested and if there wasn't enough evidence he wouldn't have been arrested.

  18. @ 9:54 Nobody said it did, However we do know that homosexuality is unnatural and only occurs in certain humans. We also know it is a learned behavior and the majority of homosexuals were a victim of pedophilia. We also know most pedophiles were victims of pedophiles. The point is school children need to be protected.

  19. How many Bd. of Ed. employees have been on admin. leave during this school year? The number, not the names of course, should be public information.

  20. Demand full disclosure from the BOE keep the pressure on them.

  21. 10:42 - you may be one of the most confused people I have ever read. NO, most homosexuals were not victims of pedophilia, nor is homosexuality a learned experience. Research before you spread such nonsense.

  22. I am the mother of a WiHi football player. The football coach has been nothing but good to my son and every child he has come in contact with.The only kids that have lived with him are kids that their families have basically thrown away and have had know where else to go. Right now I have 3 varsity starters at my home including the one someone is accusing of using steroids.People are jealous of him he works everyday for what he has become.Watch sports center in a couple of years and when people see what this kid has been through they will see why he works so hard. I know who has made these accusations it isn't a kid who lived with him. They have all been questioned and have said he was never inappropriate with them.The accuser is a kid who didn't make the varsity team and he made all of this up. People need to realize if any evidence was strong enough to arrest him they would. My husband, my family, and I along with a lot of parents will stand by our coach he IS a good man.

    1. He was arrested last week. Still think he has done nothing wrong?

  23. No matter what is true or false in both of these cases people lives are ruined. The accused coaches' lives as they know it are over, the student-athletes lives will be changed, fellow teachers/staff, parents and community memebers lives will need to adjust. Guity or Innocent doesn't matter at this point all anyone can do is pray that everyone involved ends up safe and at peace with all that has occured.

  24. Let's hope a thorough investigation shows no wrongdoing. It is fair to say, though, that the parents of many players on the volleyball team would say that coach was never inappropriate with their daughters. Just because some students were not abused, it does not follow that none were. Maybe it was just one for all of the coaches mentioned, but that's one too many.

  25. The special needs program at Wi Hi also bears looking into.

  26. @ 7:52 Child predators usually single out one at risk child just because your kid wasn't molested doesn't mean it didn't happen and for you to dismiss the kid who made the allegation is nothing more than giving the coach permission to molest someone else you're a self absorbed idiot!

  27. @ 6:32 I'm a Physiologist.

  28. Nettles needs a beat down.

  29. How about Coach Bob a few years ago at wihi. He was convicted, did time in jail, and how come he isnt on the registry?

  30. I am also a WIHI football parent and I along with other WIHI football parents DO NOT stand by coach Nettles. We have known for a long time that something was not right and now it’s ALL coming out. This was actually first started by a former student who has since graduated from WIHI. It has since been taken over by Child Advocacy and an investigation is being done. For the person who stated that all the players have been questioned and they all said that the coach had done nothing wrong. You could not be more wrong about that. More than 3 current players have come out against the Coach but of course they are not going to admit it. Open your eyes the man is nasty. Starting a rumor about a kid not making the team starting all of this? Duh! This investigation was started over a year ago! Good way of trying to get the heat off of you though Coach. There is so much more to this story can’t wait for everyone to see the WHOLE picture.

  31. I am a parent also I don't think anyone is trying to say the coach is having sex with any of the players. He is feeling on the boys every chance he gets though we all see that. If you don't want people to think your into boys then don't have sleepovers and don't be giving them massages because that's what the trainers are for. If this was just a bitter kid making up lies he would be back to school by now. For the person who is defending the coach I ask you how do you know what every kid on that team has been through? How can you say he is a good man and know that fully? Did you know he bought steriods from a known drug dealer for the team a few years ago. Its public record take a look Habash v. City of Salisbury.

  32. Tell us about the special ed at wi hi


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