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Sunday, January 08, 2012

Comment in response our post on Predator Drones

I received an e-mail that the writer believed was too long to be a comment in response to the post on the Predator Drone being deployed by the government. In addition to being obviously emotionally driven, it was enlightening (for me anyway). It looks like there are many who are very, very serious about the events occurring in our nation right now. An unmistakable low growl can now be heard from the belly of the beast. What is next? Will more and more patriots be labelled domestic terrorists as the propaganda war against Americans? Will they be apprehended and locked away consistent with the latest bill signed by Obama undermining the Constitutional protections of all Americans? We will have to watch as the future unfolds before us. Read this comment and give your opinion.

"What you are seeing is the systematic deployment of military equipment in preparation for the coming civil unrest. This civil unrest will undoubtedly turn to civil war just as it has in every other nation in the world as of late. This will be a "hard" war. It will claim thousands upon thousands of casualties. There will be those who support the government engaging in physical combat with those who support the constitution. Those who support the government will have a great deal of technology behind them and their elected officials will sacrifice them as hey have for the past 40 years. However those who stand for the constitution will have have much more behind them. They will have American heart. The same heart they carried into battle at Yorktown and the Battle of Saratoga. The very same heart they carried into battle on Iwo Jima and Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword. The sweet smell of freedom and liberty permeates every fiber of their being.

They carried signs and peacefully protested the aggressive growth of tyranny. They voted for politicians who promised an end to continued constitutional violations and lied after being elected. They have exhausted every avenue for peaceful resolution to the problems created by a runaway tyrant government. Now they reluctantly face the inevitable truth that there are no options left. They look now to portions of the Declaration of Independence that embrace and justify their future efforts to re-establish their nation as the beacon of freedom and liberty other nations emulated.

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. "

As this tyrant government prepares by putting drones in place, relocating military assets and manpower, and building FEMA camps, American patriots who support the constituion also prepare. Quietly, diligently, and religiously they meet in smoke filled back rooms, tap rooms, garages, and lodges as did the patriots of old. Away from untrusted aquaintances they discuss the need for preparation and develop startegies to defend the freedoms which were endowed upon them by their creator. Freedoms which were secured by the war that won the independence of this once great nation from another tyrant that ruled from afar. These patriots commit their honor, their fortunes, and what freedom they have left in order to re-establish the constitution as the law of the land. They do this so that their posterity may enjoy freedom and liberty as intended by our creator and subsequently the founding fathers. Pick your sides and choose carefully. Revolution is at hand "

Perhaps these people know something many of us don't. The coming year promises to be very interesting.


  1. Things will get worse befor they get better. the people need to wake up befor it's to late.look up FEMA camps on you tube Don't worry about whos going to win American Idle. Our days are numberd.

  2. It's gonna get a lot worse. Prepare for the worse and hope for the best. Fema camps are everywhere. Watch the "temporary" national guard armory near the Wicomico Airport. Who ever wrote this has a good idea of whats happening.

  3. 1:50 I know all about the one by the airport. you my friend hit the nail on the head.

  4. This is why I come to this blog. There is a lot of stuff going on we should know about that we won't learn anywhere else. How can we get ready if we don't know about it.

  5. I gust looked up FEMA camps on you tube...WOW

  6. It's funny. Alex Jones AND Jesse Ventura did expose's on FEMA camps across the country. The nay sayers refused to believe it. Now they ADMIT they exist and the funding for them is public information. As the government starts gathering up people who exercise their 1st amendment rights, people will begin to exercise their 2nd amendment rights and the sh** will hit the fan. No question. Like they said. Pick sides and pick wisely. What's it gonna be? A free man on your feet or a slave on your knees? Stand up on your feet and be counted among the patriots.

  7. Prophecies of doom,gloom, death and destruction surface from time to time.A well written thesis,or comment if you will does not substantiate the notion of a nation in jeopardy.This will pan out as 90% illusion vs 10% reality.

  8. let's do the math here, 300 million americans, there aren't enough military/police to hold us at bay. they ought to be scared to death of us, and they are! Hell the government cant even take down the local gangs here or anywhere for that matter. all that technology ain't gonna help! Unless of course everyone is willing to be led like sheep to the slaughter. I for one will not go willingly into the night!
    Al g gordon liddy once said aim for the head!

  9. 4:56 in and of itself it doesn't substantiate a nation in jeopardy. But when it coincides with factual data, such as a president circumventing the senate's advice and council, the president signing a bill that authorizes the indefinite detention of American citizens, national debt that exceeds our gross domestic product, wars overseas that have no end and without constitutional authority, government agencies that exist without constitutional authority, illegal immigration that the federal government refuses to address, an ever increasing debt ceiling, hyper-inflation knocking at the door, individual liberties under constant attack, the reality of it sinks in for most reasonabe people. If you would like to put your head in the sand, feel free. But don't cry when it all comes to pass and you are living in one of those FEMA camps separately from your friends and family. Sheeple always amaze me.

  10. Blood of Tyrants must occur to continue to be free.

    Bring it on Government; you are outnumbered...

  11. To Anon 8:30. The problem is they won't bring it on until after they confiscate all of our guns. All except presently employed with the military or police.

  12. What is ng at the airport all about?

    Last year was one of the deadliest in recent history for law enforcement officers, with 173 killed in the line of duty as of Dec. 28, a 13 percent increase from 2010, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. Of those, 68 federal, state and local officers were killed by gunfire in 2011, a 15 percent jump from the year before.
    "There seems to be a war on cops across the nation, and here in Arizona," Arpaio said Sunday.

    Expect more of the same and worse. And that would include political leaders. The recent re-hashing of the Gabby Gifford incident comes to mind.

    And ones that censor the people may be in danger as well. More and more people are getting tired of the B.S.

    The ones of you that get excited at the prospect of killing someone stay home. You are just crazy and a loose cannon. Killing fellow Americans is not something that one should drool about.

  13. we need a poll to just see who is ready to lay down I for one am just waiting till after this election I know what side i am on

  14. 2:52 NG at the air port. Look up maps then go to the sby air port take the first left after the airport on the right hand side you will see a big razer wire fence that would make a wonderfull FEMA camp I guess it is a national guard place as of now.

  15. The question in my mind is and always has been-will the military side with the constitution or the regime? That will be the deciding factor when the fit hits the shan.

  16. 2:52 is right. Killing a fellow american is something none of us should ever have to do. The idea makes me sick to my stomach. But it was done in the civil war and the revolutionary war. Hell Obama had a drone do it in Afghanistan. Its a very sad prospect indeed. If that excites you, maybe you suffer from mental illness. That doesn't mean that it may not happen. But no one should be happy about it.

  17. I really believe you would see military revolt against killing americans. Hell even the middle eastern countries did that and they seem to have little respect for life until it is their own families being slaughtered.
    Stock up on ammo now before it isnt available.

  18. They will use privet military like Z speled XY they did with huracane Katrina.

  19. Seriously? You all need to calm down. You sound like the crazy guy who kept changing the date of the end of the world recently. When Obama was elected, you all panicked and now you freak out over a Youtube video. Instead of watching paranoid videos, go watch some with puppies and kittens and take a deep breath. America is not descending into civil war.

  20. 10:53 I would rather prep for the worst & hope for the best then to just stick my head in the sand.

  21. Prepper2k12 keep up the good work and thanks joe for keeping us informed.

  22. 10:53-I agree wholeheartedly.That person of whom you speak dilligently searches the web for anything negative and threatening.You and I both know that if you look hard enough you will find horrific info.We have to be the enlighteners.

  23. When Obama's tanks roll down the street shooting you down DO NOT say we did not try to prepare you!

  24. 12:42 at one time you would reed the daily times and belive what the msm would say. Then along came blogs and you start to see there are two sides of the story. Now with the internet you get the abilty to serch for yourself if you want to take the time. but to think people are not informed because they can see the wrighting on the wall you my friend are wrong. You cant say FEMA camps don't exist not when you take the time to see for yourself. All I can say is don't belive what the MSM tells ya all the time. Now you can look up FEMA camps, REX84 and a ton of other things and then tell me you don't belive.

  25. No matter what anyone says troubled times DO lie ahead. Those who prepare will make it through the hard times and will aid in paving the way to bringing this once great nation back to its status of being one based upon freedom and individual liberties. Those who don't will meet terrible fates, such as FEMA camps, jail, physical abuse, or death. Not unlike the fates met by those who bowed down to the Nazi's. Remember this quote and remember it well:

    "If every Jewish and anti-Nazi family in Germany had owned a Mauser rifle and twenty rounds of ammunition AND THE WILL TO USE IT Adolf Hitler would be a little-known footnote to the history of the Weimar Republic." - Aaron Zelman, JPFO

    Wake up people! Revolution is at hand!

  26. Ok crazy people, you remember this: when your forecast of dooma nd gloom, prison camps, death, and destruction does not take place in 3, 5, 10 years, or even 20, then maybe you can finally calm down. Or will you just believe that year 21 is the doom year? Meanwhile, you will have spent 21 years in fear, spending money on canned goods and ammunition that you won't actually use. I will take that same 21 years and enjoy it with my friends and family. You choose which one sounds like a better way to spend 21 years.

  27. Not sure what is scarier: a government run amok and lost or some of the whack jobs posting here. When will the human race learn that violence begets violence and no one wins. We are all losers. Also, who do you think has the weapons. It's not the government folks, it's the military. The government isn't going to turn the arsenal on us. The military will. All in favor of a military junta raise your hand. So before you paint the "END IS NEAR" signs take a breath and remember things can be much, much worse than they are now.


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