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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

City May Issue Fines If Your Dog Barks For Longer Than 10 Minutes

Barking dogs can be an annoyance. Ask anyone who has ever lived next to a chatty canine. But at what point does that annoyance cross the line and become a nuisance worthy of being issued a fine. For the folks in Fort Worth, TX, that threshold is ten minutes.

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  1. Great ordinance. Love it!! One thing I can't stand is a neighbors barking dog.

  2. what about the neighbors dog running loose causing my dog to bark,am i/and my dog/ at fault for that.

  3. I agree, Maurice, we have the same problem! The neighbor's dog comes up to our enclosed yard and drives our dog crazy and the barking begins. I don't think they have a right to complain if they're breaking the leash laws and their dog is "trespassing"! How do we handle this without causing bad feelings with our otherwise great neighbors?

  4. maurice said...

    what about the neighbors dog running loose causing my dog to bark,am i/and my dog/ at fault for that.

    January 25, 2012 9:07 PM

    Keep your damn dog in the house. It's not supposed to be on a chain every day. Irresponsible dog owners.

  5. if you've alredy asked the neighbor to keep the dog penned up and the dog still roams; report continually until the county acts.

    if they know you will be fined if your dog is reported they will abide by the law. if not they're not such good neighbors.

  6. if they know you will be fined if your dog is reported they will abide by the law. if not they're not such good neighbors.

    January 26, 2012 3:27 AM

    Unless a dog is in maximum security, they will get out now and then. The dog probably goes over to your fenced in dog to say hi.

    Dogs like to play. They want to see some of their own kind now and again. And if they see one they will probably head over that way to be sociable.

    I have a similar problem. I have bought a fence to keep dogs in my yard but haven't installed it yet. But dogs still need to go outside to relieve themselves.

    I had back surgery a year ago and can't walk them like I should. If I see my dog pooping in neighbors yard I will get a bag and go pick it up. I got no problem with that. That's what every dog owner should do.

    I don't try to be a bad neighbor. I try to balance what the neighbor wants and what my dog needs.

    I understand and respect that people don't want someone else's dog in their yard. That's their right.

    I'm open to ideas as to how to best resolve this.


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