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Monday, December 19, 2011

Is It A Prison Planet? ... One Out Of Three Now Face Arrest In US

"Arrest is a pretty common experience," says Robert Brame, a criminologist at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte and principal author of the study. Nearly one in three people will be arrested by the time they are 23, a study to be published today in Pediatrics found. – USA Today

Dominant Social Theme: It's for your own good, dammit.

Free-Market Analysis: This is a stunning statistic, in our view. According to a study generated via numbers collected by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and reported in USA Today (see above excerpt) one out of every three people in the US will face arrest by the time they are 23.

Not everyone will end up in jail, of course, but the idea that 30 percent of US citizens will have some sort of criminal-oriented interaction with civilian or federal police is surely a startling statistic to many, even American "law-and-order" types.

The article goes on to make the point that nearly 50 years ago US citizens were stunned by a study that found over 20 percent of all US citizens faced some sort of arrest. The interactions between law enforcement and US denizens has thus grown by ten percent in the past decades – or roughly one-third. Here's some more from the article:



  1. America has become an immoral society.

  2. I do not believe one in three are arrested. I believe it possible that the # of arrest divided by the population would equal 1/3 because a great many of those arrested have been arrested several times.

    Like most statictics the chance of
    the report will be corrected at a later date, is 100%. I have seven grandkids, the youngest has one foot in the grave from Apple Juice and the oldest girl may not be here by Christmas because of Orange Juice. I don't put much stock in all these polls, studies, findings statictics. A great waste of our tax payer $.

  3. Whether or not you agree with the poll, the mere numbers should alarm you.


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