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Saturday, December 03, 2011

Herman Cain Suspends Presidential Bid

After consulting with family, GOP candidate suspends campaign amid allegations of infidelity, sexual harassment

From Fox News


  1. Better Headline: "The Inevitable Happens."

  2. OK... Enough is enough. I am NOT looking for a SAINT to lead this country out of this mess we're in - I'm looking for someone with ANSWERS.
    In this day and age, in this litigious society, in this day of internet searches and innuendo, somebody has SOMETHING bad to say on somebody else. There's a skeleton in every closet. For God's sake, Jesus Himself would have a hard time getting elected today.
    Morals? Hell with that. Give me a man (or woman) with answers and results.
    Hell, the Pride of the Libs, Bill Clinton, has overcome getting his knob polished and using cigars in a very unique way in the freakin' OVAL OFFICE!
    MSM: Morals? Give me a break. I'll take "9-9-9" over "Hope" any day.

  3. 3:50 couldn't of said it better.At this point any one would be better then what we have now.

  4. Yep, agree with all of the above.

  5. I thought I would be happy when he quit but I'm not. I listened to his speech and actually felt bad for him. He sounded more sincere than the other yo-yos we have running. Oh well, the media succeeded in what they were trying to do. They need to be reigned in a little bit, or a lot.

  6. 3:50, you make a good argument for Cain, but the fact remains that the attention of the electorate would constantly be diverted from serious discussions of the issues and focused on Cain's moral ineptitude. No, we don't want--and can't get--a saint, but we don't need to have Cain's sexual adventures become front and center. Also, how many more women would be coming out of the woodwork to claim that they had had affairs with him or were the subjects of sexual assault?

  7. Anonymous said...

    3:50, you make a good argument for Cain, but the fact remains that the attention of the electorate would constantly be diverted from serious discussions of the issues and focused on Cain's moral ineptitude. No, we don't want--and can't get--a saint, but we don't need to have Cain's sexual adventures become front and center. Also, how many more women would be coming out of the woodwork to claim that they had had affairs with him or were the subjects of sexual assault?

    December 3, 2011 9:45 PM

    I would much rather hear about Herman Cain's sexual adventures than not hear about Obama's ties to known terrorists. Amazing how the liberals and RINO's think Cain's moral ineptitude is worse than ties with Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright. I will take Cain over Osama Bin Biden any day!!

  8. 9:45: Agree. Therein lies the problem. In this Age of Information, it's just so damn easy to find someone with some bad story. THEN the media (if you're not their darling) will beat the hell out of you with the story.
    Plus, times have changed. What is considered sexual harrasment today was (in some cases) just 'trying to get lucky' 20+ years ago.
    My father spanked the hell out of me when I was a bad kid (and I WAS a bad kid!). Back then it was called taking your punishment - today it's called child abuse.
    Things change.
    I guess I'm just tired of the press searching every possible source for SOMETHING bad to report on. I'm tired of them asking "gotcha" questions instead of addressing the real issues.
    Frankly, I'm amazed that ANYONE would ever want to be a candidate for anything in this country. I certainly couldn't run for anything - I DID inhale!

  9. the attention of the electorate is whatever the media chooses to force feed down our throats everyday.

  10. I don't care who runs with the GOP , I will vote for him or her.
    If Manson were out of jail , I would prefer him over obama.

  11. I think Herman would have been a fine choce for the person to lead our country out of the disaray the current administration has buried us in.The liberal left and the MSM realized this an went on the attack.These attacks will continue until the next election is over.

  12. To 9:45

    I want to ax yu a question. Even though Mr. Cain may have had an affair that don't mean nuttin in this bad economy. I much rather have Mr. Cain.

  13. Gee too bad all you guys were all over President Clinton and his alleged affairs. He was a far better president that Herman Cain could ever be.

  14. 8:31, So what is the question you want to "ax" me? And 10:46, I am a real Republican, not a RINO. I liked Cain's views and would have considered voting for him if he were on the primary ballot, but the fact remains that too much attention would be given to his alleged affairs. I didn't say that I would disavow him because of his moral problems, but rather that they would become an issue in the campaign. The same thing will happen if Gingrich became a strong contender. While he is probably by far the smartest of the bunch and the the most experienced and qualified, his extramarital affairs would become a distraction.

  15. A book is forthcoming,if Herman Cain can keep his pants on long enough to write it.

  16. Cain was a tool of the financial elite. He did his job already. He was never a "serious" contender for the Position (which is appointed not elected).

    The elite will appoint the President and then we will vote for him.

    Cain is not him.

    It seems to me Barry Soetoro is doing the job exactly as the elite want him to do it. He has rarely misread his lines from the teleprompter and there is no reason to replace him until he has fulfilled his 8 year obligation with his bosses.


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