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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Daily Times Editorial Department Flat Out Lied To Their Readers Yesterday

While Salisbury News plans on delivering a very detailed breakdown on the Bennett Middle School project later today, the Daily Times told their readers yesterday that the state will be paying 96% of the cost to build Bennett Middle School, this is a LIE. GO HERE to read their article before it gets pulled.

I'll tell you what, just to make it simple, YOU do the math. Total cost to do the project is $75.3 million. Wicomico County Taxpayers will be responsible for $42.8 million of that cost.

You tell me, is that 96% coming from the state?????

You cannot trust or believe the Daily Times any more. The state will be paying for bricks and mortar. Misleading the taxpayers is in my opinion is a gross misrepresentation of what they claim to be.

The Daily Times continues to go after me as a Blogger, claiming we do not get facts and that couldn't be further from the truth. The above example is exactly why we are sick and tired of the crap they spew to the public.

They created a ton of phone calls and messages to the County yesterday, people outraged at the County Council for NOT moving forward with the project, since the state is paying 96%.

We will provide far more details but you can expect, (now) a retraction from the Daily Times now that they have been exposed in a much larger audience. Don't believe what they say for a second. It is not true and they need to own up to this massive lie.


  1. Joe:

    Other liars in this are Rick Pollitt, Dr. Freddy and the B of Ed.

  2. Hate to keep bringing this up , but I will. This government and the MSM have changed for the worse.
    It's so easy to tell the truth , but I guess that isn't good news.
    It's a shame but this country has turned sour with lies and greed.
    Even if the state were paying the large amount , it still cones out of our pocket. Anyway those funds could be better spent somewhere else , sorry about that Pollitt and the rest of the liars.

  3. Bob Culver and Joe Holloway and the county council know the truth. Please hold tight. We do NOT need a new school or anything else at this time. Spend our money wisely. Maybe remodel all of them?

  4. The BOE lies and the DT swears to it, shame on them both.

  5. It's simply a crap rag in case of emergency.

  6. 1:10
    The PIO for the Board is the wife of one of the editors of the DT. The PIO job is even full time. It should be simple enough to get accurate info. printed.

  7. wife a former editor

    but the point is still the same

    DT is a propaganda rag, not a newspaper

    All their agendas, all of the time

  8. wife OF a former editor

    point still the same

  9. It's all about Susan Parker. She is such a liberal and slams elected officials every chance she gets. Greg Bassett needs to reel her in a little.


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