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Sunday, December 04, 2011

China Rejects U.S. Trade Ruling That Solar Imports Harm Industry

Dec. 5 (Bloomberg) -- China rejected a preliminary ruling by a U.S. trade panel that imports of Chinese solar panels are harming the domestic industry, saying the decision shows the country’s “inclination to trade protectionism.”

The U.S. International Trade Commission on Dec. 2 took the first step toward imposing added tariffs on Chinese solar imports, voting unanimously in Washington on a petition by Bonn- based SolarWorld AG that called for antidumping and countervailing duties. The commission will now hold a full investigation.

“The ruling was made without sufficient evidence showing U.S. solar panel industry has been harmed,” China’s Ministry of Commerce said in a statement Dec. 3. It was taken “regardless of defense opinions from Chinese firms, as well as opposition from the U.S. domestic industries and other stakeholders, which prominently shows the U.S.’s strong inclination to trade protectionism and for which China is deeply concerned.”


1 comment:

  1. The Obama administration is trying to do a cover-up for the failures of his administration's loan policies. He is trying to tie the blame on the Chinese.

    The problem lies with the fact that US companies are no longer competitive because of Obama's Keynsian economics.


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