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Friday, November 04, 2011

Kate Gosselin Slammed After Son Crawls Under Van

A child- and auto-safety group criticized Kate Gosselin after one of her eight children crawled under the family van Thursday while she sat behind the wheel.
“A minivan is a 3,000-pound, lethal weapon and having children crawling around it is not prudent,” KidsAndCars.org president and founder Janette Fennell told RadarOnline.com.


  1. Wow. So this is what we have to worry over. All the kids eventually get in the van and she counts heads. Of course, that doesn't matter to the antagonist here!

    I've put myself under a van many times before with someone in the driver's seat. Bleeding brakes required it.

    Ho Hum...

  2. I must say that I am not a Kate Gosselin fan but if this is what we would consider being a bad mother?
    Give me a break. There is no way she can keep her eye on all 8 children all of the time. As OCD as I hear she is, I would bet she counts heads before she moves that van just to make sure everyone is accounted for.

  3. It's nature's way of weeding them out.


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