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Friday, November 25, 2011

How The Finns Stole Thanksgiving

KABUL -- There’s something unforgiving about Thanksgiving when you’re an American soldier serving in a place like Afghanistan. You think about the day for months in advance, but when it finally comes, the fun lasts the length of a good meal... and then you’re back on mission, like it never happened.

The meal that was served to several thousand coalition forces, including about 1,000 U.S. troops, who live and work at a base called ‘Tent City’, part of the Kabul military airport, was special by any standards – roast turkey and stuffing, spare ribs, pot roast, collard greens, roast potatoes and gravy, corn on the cob, and honey roasted ham, all topped off with apple and pecan pies. But as good as it was, it wasn’t home. And home was sorely missed.

1 comment:

  1. I think when our Troops come home supposely before Christmas we the cizitens of the United States of America should in each of our home town, not only have a welcome home bash but unite together to throw them one hell of a dinner with all the trimmings. thats just my thought. I am certain that local groceries stores and vendors like pepsi or coke, wonder bread etc. could make a generous donation for this Great Cause...


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