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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wicomico Maryland Society Of Patriots Meeting Re: Plan Maryland

Dear Landowners,
Plan Maryland will dictate HOW YOU CAN USE YOUR PROPERTY.
Plan Maryland is due to be signed by Govenor O'Malley in November
Plan Maryland will require compliance with United Nations Agenda 21.
Sounds outrageous?  Eastern Shore counties under U.N rules!

Please come to this important meeting on Thursday, October 20, 2011, at 7:00pm, at the Georgia House Restaurant, to hear Richard Rothschild discuss Plan Maryland.  I have included the original information below if you wish to send it on to others that might be interested.

We hope to see you on Thursday.

Wicomico Maryland Society of Patriots

Friends, Patriots, and Landowners:
Plan Maryland is due to be signed into law by our Governor in early November with very little legislative input and even less county council support, statewide.  Never heard of Plan Maryland, or not very familiar with the drastic land-use changes which will follow upon it's implementation?  You may wish to attend our next public meeting if you value having any say-so in how you are able to use your own property and whether you will still have any property rights at all.  
Meet us at the Georgia House Restaurant on Thursday, October 20, 2011, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM to hear Carroll County Commissioner Richard Rothschild speak on this onerous regulatory mandate and explain what it will mean to you as a citizen of this state and as a property owner.  Commissioner Rothschild has been a champion of property rights in his home county by spearheading the elimination of the County's Office of Sustainablilty, and was instrumental in Carroll County's termination of it's relationship with the ICLEI.  It is one of the few local governments around the country to have done so .  ICLEI is the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives.  It is a UN initiated global council to promote an environmental agenda by creating partnerships with local government thereby assisting in the implementation of the radical United Nations Agenda 21.  
Please read and widely distribute this email and the attached flyers promoting this important presentation.  Attendance is free of charge.  Georgia House has graciously hosted this meeting and you are urged to consider ordering something from the menu in gratitude for their kindness.  The food is excellent and Thursday is Prime Rib special night.  Bring your friends and neighbors.  The meeting will start at 7PM sharp so you may want to arrive early to find a good seat and order dinner.  
Wicomico Maryland Society of Patriots


  1. Guns must be checked at the door.

  2. Agenda 21 is a very serious and real threat to our freedom.

  3. 2012 just may be the very end of the world as we know it. I will tell you one thing, the politicians will be the first to go! watch the history channel very close... history seems to repeat itself.

  4. At the same time, the State's highest planning official (and Salisbury native) Richard Hall is speaking at Salisbury University to the lunatic fringe (Wicomico Environmental Trust, etc.) about how Plan Maryland is wonderful.

    Guess which meeting will be on PAC14.

  5. Can we place that on a ballot initiative for repeal? What is the procedure?


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