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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt Makes RARE Appearance In Council Meeting

Today, County Executive Rick Pollitt attended a County Council Meeting in support of the County Board of Health.

It has been years since the County Executive actually sat in on a legislative session. The time off clearly shows he's refreshed and ready to come back to work. LOL All kidding aside, they had to put a name plate out soas he knew where to sit.


  1. It's about time the people who elected him see him doing some work.

  2. I see he's started his reelection campaign!

  3. tRICKy, just quit and go home!

  4. If this were a year or two ago you would have lots of comments on this post. Now, everyone knows he doesn't know what he is doing and we don't care about him anymore and his political tatics. Can't wait until he leaves and lets a leader guide our county. Thank God for the council.


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