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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Terroristic Threats Will Land You In Jail: UPDATE

Remember the guy who left suspicious packages at the Bank in Hebron a year and a half ago? Well, he was released a few weeks ago and instantly started harassing me and my Family, once again.

While he was incarcerated he had sent several letters and ultimately started dropping suspicious packages at my mailbox with bombs drawn on the packages.

Delaware State Police and Salisbury Police were able to obtain warrants against Mr. Collins and he was arrested late last week. Things got so bad, Delaware State Police were ready to extradite Mr. Collins to Delaware, something rarely done for a misdemeanor.

Nevertheless, I was not the only recipient of Mr. Collins threats and games. Even Sheriff Lewis was the recipient of similar letters as well as another local business.

At one point and time Mr. Collins had been found in a local Hotel across the street from one of his other victims. When Police entered his Hotel room they found photos tacked to the walls of employees coming and going from their business.

What amazed me the most about this guy is the fact that even though he was put away for 15 months, the mental institution that housed him allowed these letters to go out from their facility. I was not made aware of Mr. Collins court date when he was released and if I had I could have presented the Judge with multiple letters for their review.

Yesterday I received another threat, "Joey boy today I had you in my sights while you were out front of your shitty building talking on the phone. It was around 2:35 but the time just wasn't right."
Mind you, this was a pansy anonymous comment in which, (I guess) is meant to scare me. They failed, of course. Doing what I do every day is a service to this community. I do it because of people like this. In the past the Tilghman Administration threatened citizens with lawsuits and Lord knows what else. I was the first to stand up to them and ultimately they went away.

It may take a while to catch you but in time someone will talk, someone will screw up and as we save ALL of these threats, it will one day come around. Local Law Enforcement are no longer patient with these threats.
I welcome anyone to disagree with me, that's your right. However, the images above and the message above are just a very small example of what I receive on a regular basis. Look, if you don't like Salisbury News or Joe Albero, STOP coming here. It really is that simple. There's no need for these threats. It was only a few weeks ago we had to call the Police to have a local nut case removed from my Downtown building. The person tried to claim he had video of me assaulting him. Even though he stated he was going to put the video on Facebook for all to see, interesting how it never surfaced BECAUSE IT NEVER HAPPENED. This is a person who has filed Peace Orders against me and failed each time. This is a person who has threatened many lawsuits against me and again, it never happened.

Clearly there are a select few who would enjoy seeing Salisbury News just go away. IF we had lied, IF we had made things up over all the years I have been doing this, I would have LOST lawsuits and or I would have been placed in jail. Neither has happened because we do not lie and we simply expose true information SOME do not want made public.

All that being said, I will continue doing what I have done for the past 7 years. If you do not like what I publish you have two choices. Contact me and discuss it or simply do not return. If you threaten me or my Family I will request that Law Enforcement find you and prosecute you.

UPDATE: I have added some additional photos. One of George Collins and the other is one of the flyers he had in the suspiscious package at the Bank.


  1. Joe, I feel for you but when you play with fire your going to get fire. Why expose your family to
    your extremism?

  2. anonymous 12:48, My Family is off limits. Only an unstable mind would make such a statement. Playing fire with fire would mean I go out and threaten people, I do not. There are plenty of other sites out there that have every right to their OPINION. Threats, (on the other hand) will land you in jail. IP addresses will be used against anyone else who makes such threats, just as yesterday's threat is being followed up on.

  3. that's disturbing. i applaud you, joe, for not running away & hiding - because then they've won.

    i do, however, sincerely worry for your grandson. he doesn't have a choice but to be a part of this.

    i dont' always agree with you, your point of view, or more often the way you express yourself. but i wish the best for you & your family. and i hope to disagree with you for many more years :)

  4. why do so many people hate you and your family

  5. to me, it just looks like some birthday wishes from a 5th grader

  6. Cathy, thank you.

    anonymous 1:31, why do you suggest there are so many? Oh, that's right, because you're one of them.

    anonymous 1:32, the Delaware State Police and SPD have most of the evidence from Mr. Collins. There's a lot more you're not seeing. My Birthday, (by the way) is in March. Mr. Collins placed flyers in the sispiscious packages left at the banks. Inside were flyers all saying Happy Birthday Joe Albero.

    There's a LOT more to this story but I didn't want to expose ALL of the other people who have been stalked and harassed by Mr. Collins.

    What's most bothersome is the fact that Mr. Collins was supposed to be medicated, before and during his 15 month hospital stay. Clearly it wasn't being done and or wasn't working, considering all of the mail others were receiving from him.

    He has some issues and I'm confident he's not narmallly a bad guy. He just has some issues that need to be stableized to fit back into society.

  7. Joe, This is just terrible. I'm sorry that you and your family have been threatened like this. It's really sad that these COWARDS send you such crap to you and your family. I think they feel that if they intimidate and threaten you, that you will stop doing your doing. Apparently they don't read your blog enough to know that NO ONE will bully or threaten you. While I do not agree with you all the time, I get more local news from your website than any other media outlet. Please be safe and aware of your surroundings. Luckily in your case you usually have a camera with you so you can take pictures of idiots stalking you for the police. Take care of you and your family.
    Sincerely, Beth

  8. Thank You Beth.

    I have added some new images to the Post. The second image is one of the flyers Mr. Collins left in the suspiscious package at the Bank. How my name ever got involved was beyond me, (at the time).

    Nevertheless, believe me, I have more than just a camera with me at all times. My Family is more than safe too. My Wife shoots a gun better than I do and I shoot pretty darned good. The Grandson is in training.

  9. Joe, I Annon 12:48 and a supporter.
    All I'm saying is you have exposed yourself to some of these nuts and your family doesn't deserve it.

  10. It wasn't me. I'm in Tulsa.

  11. What comes around goes around. You are one deserving bitch.

  12. anonymous 1:56m forgive me if I took you wrong. I/We appreciate your support.

    anonymous 2:17, what's wrong JT, too big of a wussy to use your real name? Are you afraid tens of thousands of people would instantly see who you really are. Oh, don't come back anonymously and say your someone else because your IP Address says other wise.

  13. Yes, there are THOUSANDS that hate you, me being one. You say you never threatened anyone? LIAR!!! I've kept your threats to me and mine to use in court for whomever takes you there. I'm just waiting for the day I can piss on your grave.

  14. anonymous 2:46, Well, welcome back JR. It's been a while. Like it or not, each commenter has a fingerprint and yours is the easiest to recognize.

  15. You have some kooks on here today,Joe!

  16. Joe: I don't always agree with you but I enjoy your site. I also admire your courage in standing up to clowns like this guy who threaten you. Stay strong and keep up the good work.

  17. tick..tock...tick....tock.....tick......tock.......tick........tock.........tick

  18. anonymous 3:52, dotell all, does that statement have anything to do with a clock repair company? Hmmmmm

  19. The first name that popped into my mind regarding who the culprit may be was "Don Elkins" but since he "claims" to be in Oklahoma, I guess he is innocent.

  20. You bring this stuff all on yourself Joe. Then all you want to do is cry about it and play the victim. You are no victim.

  21. anonymous 4:01, LMAO! Another anonymous comment. Need I say more.

  22. What the hell is wrong with people I may not agree with everything you say on the blogsite but, everyone is entitled to express themselves without being threatened.Besides that if everyone agreed on everything the world would be a boring place.In high school they used to have debating classes and the students debated their different opinions on different topics without taking it personally and threating people.This shows just how immature people are GROW UP!! You and your family BE SAFE!!

  23. Obviously this man is quite ill & a menace to our society! I hope a judge takes a longgggg look at what he's been doing while being "medicated" ---at that!.
    These are the kind of "nuts" that Kill others!
    You are wise to have your family up to date on firing guns---smart move! All of us should do so!

  24. Someone needs to put this macadamia away for long time before he kills someone.He's nuttier than Chinese chicken salad.

  25. Nobody forces anyone to go to your website. I have friends that would never go near Sbynews.com, but I personally enjoy your site and never miss a day. I don't always agree with you either, but so what. The last time I checked, we are all free to think the way we want.

    Hang in there, Joe.

  26. The anti-Albero crowd and blogs were born out of that old saying-The Truth Hurts and it hurts like hell. If you weren't telling the truth then they would just ignored you. The proof is in the lawsuits filed against you that went "poof" and disappeared.
    The fun for the feeble minded is to relentless check Sby News so they can attempt to leave comments they think are clever and witty and when that fails the feeble minded will post on one of the anti-Albero blogs. Whatever you say or do totally dominates their lives and thoughts. It's more than a little weird on their part that they would even bother w/their anti-Albero blogs. But I guess the feeble minded need to be entertained.

  27. Joe be careful. Someone very close to you is not on the up and up. I have personally spoke to them and they are trying to set you up. Just be careful.

  28. I still feel like Don Elkins may be a major player in this. Why run Don, why run?


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