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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Solar Firm That Received $1.2 Billion Federal Loan Plagued By Financial Problems

With the Solyndra scandal still swirling, the Obama administration is under pressure to reveal the financial condition of the solar companies that received $4.75 billion in similar federal loan guarantees on the last day of the program.

Republican lawmakers on two House committees are seeking details about the loans given to First Solar, SunPower Corp. and ProLogis. Of those three companies, troubling financial revelations have emerged about SunPower, which received a $1.2 billion loan, more than twice the money approved for Solyndra, which filed for bankruptcy last month after receiving a $528 million loan.


1 comment:

  1. $80 million per job at First Solar. Seriously?

    We should have just given each person in America $20k. It would have been so much better.

    Out of work? Your bills are paid and perhaps you have a chance to move for a new job. Behind on your house, or want to buy your first home? A husband/wife could have $40k for that. Is your car a POS? You just helped car manufacturers get more people back to work. Near retirement and got wiped out in the stock market? Here's a bit to help soften the blow. Are you just fine? Invest your money in the best company out there. Or use this as seed money to start one. Being crushed by debt? Wipe it out. Need retraining to get a new job? Here's a couple of years of tuition.

    We're going to have to pay it back, anyway. We should have the right to use it to our best advantage.


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