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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Russia Issues Travel Alert For It's Citizens Travelling To U.S.

For the first time in nearly four-decades the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a “dire” travel alert for top officials, scientists and military officers travelling to the United States over fears the Obama regime is preparing to instigate a revolution for the purpose of their being able to hold on to power and complete the enslavement of the American people.



  1. WOW they can see more clearly than our own american people! Obama has done a great job instigating class warfare. We better wake up quick.

  2. Better get your affairs in order. Time is short. The riots will start soon and a massive revolution will follow. Are you ready?

  3. Can this really be happening? How did the Germans find out? Can you please provide references so I can research his further? I want to "wake up quick" but I need evidence. Thanks.

  4. Sorry, I meant Russians, not Germans.


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