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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Revolution Is Inevitable

To The Editor,

It is with heavy heart that I watch the goings on across the country, and indeed around the world, as the frustration of the populace with their respective governments reaches critical mass. While my heart is heavy, the realist in me knows that this is necessary. As an American I know that this must occur in order to effect the necessary change to bring us back to our constitutional underpinnings. We are, after all, a nation born of violent revolution. We are also a people whose hunger for the freedom and liberty for which our founding fathers fought and died has been ignored for too long. We have been betrayed by politicians at all levels of government who have been bought and paid for by special interests - including the Banking industry.

Each recent movement driven by the discontent of the people was quickly followed by attempts to hijack them by  establishment political parties and sadly, some have let it happen. Others, however, have not. There are some of us who simply recognize it for what it is - blatant attempts to divide and conquer the movements and to harness the energy contained within the movements for further political gain.

While the Tea Party and the Occupy movements have many differences, there are some similarities that are striking:

1) Both movements are dissatisfied with their representation and believe that they aren't being adequately represented;
2) Most in both movements no longer believe that their votes matter;
3) Most members of both movements believe that the are under tyrannical rule (though there may be differences in what that rule is)
4) Both movements agree that the system is broken and that it simply cannot continue as is;
5) Both movements believe that bailing out the financial institutions on the backs of the taxpayers was wrong but that they were ignored when they spoke out in opposition;
6) Both movements believe that the FED controls the direction of this once great nation and that they are being used as drones used by the government to make the FED rich;

I believe that the Tea Party movement hoped to make a political change. They hung thier hopes on a political solution that never came. This confirmed that their government was no longer a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Oh...the AFP continues to be a pawn for the establishment republican party and there are the kool-aid drinkers who wear blinders hoping for a political solution as their representatives work them like part time jobs, but most of us who marched when the movement began recognize that our energy was wasted - no more.

The Occupy movement recognizes that there is no political solution and they protest in their own way. While most of us find defecating on police cars repulsive, they are pushing the envelope. They are showing the government that they are willing to do whatever it takes to make changes. While I personally may not agree with some of the ideology of some of the Occupy members such as socialized medicine, free college education, etc., I recognize that they are on the fast track to violent revolution. I also recognize that there is growing sentiment that there will be no other way to take our nation back. Whether or not I agree is of little consequence. The point is that as we watch things unfold in Greece, Yemen, and other nations as their citizens rebel against their own governments, we are seeing what is to come here in the United States. If our government responds in the same manner as those in other nations, the reaction of the citizens will not likely be the same. Our founding fathers knew this day may come and provided for the people via the 2nd amendment. This is precisely why our government hasn't tried to crush the Occupy movement thus far. The government is beginning to fear the people - the way it was intended.

There are some who think that revolution is tantamount to treason. Some believe it is patriotism. Regardless, we must remember that it was only 3% of the population who fought and won our independence from tyranny in 1776. We are at a crossroads. Tough decisions must be made. The more people I talk to, the more I hear the same message pleading "Wake up people! Revolution is at hand!"


  1. It seems the contributor doesn't realize the sum total of all OWS protesters, is less then the number of people who attended the Detroit Lions last home game.

    To even compare what's going on here to Yemen/Syria/Libya is laughable. It's a lot like Greece though, people up in arms since the benefits they didn't pay for are going to get cut. This is what happens when societies are aren't taught the long told story of "Give a man a fish, teach a man to fish".

  2. So about 150 ignorant stupid spoiled generation Xers stages a live in party um, I meant protest downtown on NY city. The partyers down't even know why they're there except someone at SIEU told them to be there, and this is going to cause a revolution?


  3. You previous commenters are definitely drinking the Republican kool aid. I know that you are afraid of what is happening, but it will happen none the less. This movement has only just begun. People know that they are NOT empowered to make changes through political action. Politicians are bought and paid for. Hold on to your hats because there be a storm brewin!

  4. There may well be a 'storm brewing' 5:05, but the leadership won't come from the silly twits in the OWS movement. Guaranteed, these brain-dead freaks will all get in line to vote for Obama when told to (again).

  5. Amazing. So many with such little knowledge or facts comment the most of which they know little about. I wonder who they get their talking points from. Surely not from anyone who knows such data.

  6. Thomas Jefferson in the Federalist Papers warned of this. He stated that the branches of liberty need to be pruned from time to time. I now is that time!!!

  7. Fruitland Generic CitizenOctober 19, 2011 at 9:07 PM

    Y'all lose ONE election and lose your minds, talking about armed revolt. Here's a thought: find a candidate for President and get him or her elected instead of threatening to hold an armed revolt against the government of the United States. Where I come from, that's treason - as defined in the very Constitution of the United States itself.

  8. OK Fruitland.....i guess you would have called the revolutionaries of 1776 traitors too? This is going to get much bigger. It is already much lager nationally than you care to acknowledge. I don't agree with the message of these "Occupiers" but it is clear that they are tired of being ignored by their representatives....the same representatives that promised them the world. The Democrats are just party hacks. Exactly like the Republican party hacks. But it's whatever.

  9. It could be considered treason to allow the gubnut to continue along the same way. Not wanting better things and meekly accepting the status quo is just laziness.

  10. Fruitland. Here's ANOTHER thought. The president doesn't make the laws or spend the money. One MORE thought. The colonists debated revolt for 20-30 YEARS before they actually did it. They TRIED to have their grievances addressed. All they got was occupation, confiscation, arrest, and execution or imprisonment. Power doesn't give up power just because they people ASK them to. And 9:27, you're right -- Fruitland would CERTAINLY have been one of the colonists who would have shouted to the British "HEY!!! Jefferson is right over there! Kill him!! And I know where John Adams is, too!" He's too stupid to see that the WHOLE system in place now is totally corrupt and electing one guy AIN'T changing it. He's so happy and hung up on having a black President, that's all he can see....


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