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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Change In Military Funeral Protocol?

Q: Did Obama order the military to drop the words “on behalf of the president of the United States” when presenting the flag to the next of kin at funerals?
A: A chain email that makes that claim is wrong. Spokespersons for the Defense Department and the armed forces say that no change was ordered.

This letter has been circulating lately. Is it true?
Dear Sean,
Today I was incensed at the conclusion of a traditional Serbian-Orthodox funeral for my beloved 85 year old uncle, Daniel Martich, who proudly served in the US Army during The Korean Conflict. During the committal service at a Pittsburgh cemetery the local military detachment performed their ritual, then folded and presented the American Flag to my aunt.
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This email, claiming that the White House ordered a change to the language used during the presentation of burial flags at funerals with military honors, has gone viral. It has landed in our inbox dozens of times, and it’s making the rounds on social networking websites as well. But it’s not true.
A spokeswoman for the Department of Defense told FactCheck.org that the agency has not received, published or directed any change recently in the wording used during funeral services with military honors.
No Change in Protocol
The email claims that an unidentified soldier said that members of the military assisting in funerals were directed by the White House to cease referring to the president when presenting the burial flag to a deceased veteran’s next of kin.
Email excerpt: As I’m sure you have witnessed during military funerals, a soldier bends to one knee and recites a scripted message to a surviving relative that begins “On behalf of the President of the United States and a grateful nation, I wish to present you with this flag in appreciation for your husband’s service … .” However, today the dialogue was “On behalf of the Secretary of Defense and a grateful nation … .” After the service I approached the soldier who presented the flag to my aunt to inquire about the change in language. His response was “The White House notified all military funeral service detachments to immediately remove ‘the President’ and insert ‘the Secretary of Defense.’ I couldn’t believe what I heard and the soldier smiled and said, “You can draw your own conclusion sir but that was the order”. He, too, was ashamed of what he was required to say.
But Maj. Monica Matoush, a spokeswoman for the Defense Department, told us that no change has been ordered. “While there have been some inconsistencies at the unit level in reciting the appropriate verbiage, neither the Department of Defense nor the services have received, published or directed any recent change,” Matoush said.


  1. The Muslim in the White House helped hardline Muslims take power in Egypt. Now Egyptians are killing Christians on a daily basis over there and Mr. Obama rewards these dogs by sending them more money. Good job, Mr. President....(NOT) I hope Christians and patriotic Americans wake up before the next Presidential election!

  2. So you thought Christians weren't being killed before now while the regime was getting US dollars?


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