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Friday, September 16, 2011

Vaccine Wake-Up Call for Parents


  1. What a bunch of garbage. There's no science that supports the charges that vaccines cause significant problems. Vaccines have minor side effects. A very, very small percentage of people may have a more serious negative reaction. But vaccines don't cause autism, mental retardation, or any of the other things that people say.

    The misinformation being spread about vaccines is harmful because it leads to people refusing to get their kids vaccinated. That leads to the resurgence of diseases that were all-but-eradicated. It's a shame that well-meaning but uninformed people like this lady have a platform to spread their inaccurate information.

  2. There are families world wide that are dealing with children that have health issues due to vaccinations; some of which are minor, other are severely disabled. Doctors insisted on vaccinating some of these children against parent's wishes and now these children will never be the vibrant, successful adults they could have been. Prescription drugs/vaccinations are very profitable.

  3. What gives anyone the right to make decisions for someone else's child? Unless a parent is "unfit" they should be making all decisions for their child. This is ridiculous.


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