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Friday, September 16, 2011

Today's Survey Question

Do you believe in abortion?


  1. No I don't, unless the mother's life was at risk.

  2. NO. the fetus in the womb is a baby. it's not a leaf, a frog or a dove. it's a human that's been created by God in His likeness and image. i'm grateful i wasn't aborted.

    less than 1% of all pregnancies are as the result of rape or incest; yet this is the BIG argument pro-aborts use. it just doesn't wash.

    just think; if we hadn't aborted all these babies they would be; for the most part; productive citizens. they would be tax paying citizens. we wouldn't be having the huge problems we're having with social security. we have killed our tax base.

  3. Do I believe in abortion, no. Do I believe the Government has the right to tell you if you can or can't, no. Think about it.

  4. No. Abort is just another word for murder.

  5. YES, To many unwanted children in this world. People having kids they can't raise.Why not stop it before it starts.

  6. Yes. It is not the government's right to tell a woman what to do with her body. It should not be used as a form of birth control but it should be allowed overall.

  7. Do I believe in abortion? Is that like do you believe in global warming? They're real all right, both of them. Am I in favor of abortion? I am in favor of the government not telling me what I can and can't do with my body. Would I personally have one? Don't know because I was never faced with circumstances that might have made me choose that option. All pro choicers want fewer abortions. It's not about being IN FAVOR of abortion. It's about being in favor my rights over my body, And until the day a man is faced with the question of HIS body and a pregnancy,he really has no business deciding.

  8. No - not for myself, but I do not presume to make decisions for others. This life is a journey and a gift from God - what we do with it will be judged when our time here is done.

  9. If I crash into a pregant woman's car and kill her, the state charges me with the murder of TWO people. A woman gets a doctor to murder her 4 month old fetus and the state says it's okay. Is the doctor charged with murder. Ron Paul says, rightly so (and he's a doctor, too) we must decide what the fetus is and what its legal standing is...who speaks for the child (and it IS a life). Solve THAT juxtaposition and you have the answer you seek. As far as people saying "its my body (or YOUR body) and the government shouldn't tell me what to do with it", I wonder if you're of the same mind when it comes to people using drugs (no murders involved THERE). Or does your pious logic stop with a woman's uterus?

  10. abortions are usually done by scum. so the fact there will be less scum lets me be happy about abortions!
    secondly, if you get technical, a fetus is nothing more than a parasite. its not viable until 7-9 months into the pregnancy.

  11. NO. Parents need to be taking an active role in their daughter's life. I know this is not always easy, you need to start young and be a constant in your child's life. Love and nurturing are the most important things a parent can give to their child. Unwanted pregnancy, there are a lot of couples that can't have children that would love to have a baby to love, hold and nurture. I know this from personal family experience.

  12. I've always been torn on the subject. Here are my takes:

    -I certainly don't believe that a woman who has been raped or unwillingly impregnated should have to carry, birth and care for a child under those circumstances. She should have the choice to abort.

    -Then there are people who have children who should not have children; both socially and economically. You can look at that several different ways. Children raised in low income or distressed homes are more likely to commit crimes, live on government subsidies and have poor health. All of which costs our government more which we pay for as tax payers. Allowing abortion could help eliminate those government expense. But on the other hand, those would-be-aborted babies could grow up to fulfill the demand on the lower level employment sectors which can bring tax base and employees for jobs most others won't do. That being said, I must respond to the comment by Anon 11:37 AM regarding aborting what would be "productive citizens." Would it be a solution or would it be a part of the problem? We have potential abortees who aren't wanted in the first place so who's going to take care of them? The parent(s) probably won't, so the government will. I feel like your head is in the right place, but the scale is not so grandiose to the point where it will solve the problems you stated.

    -Then I look at the "you reap what you sow" side of it. Every action has a consequence or at least potential consequences. One of the potential consequences of sex is pregnancy. People (particularly teens) carelessly having sex should have to deal with their actions. If Jack knocked up Jill then they better clear their calendars for the next 18 years.

    -I also I look at quality of life. If a woman is carrying a child that does not have a chance of living a quality life due to disease or defect then is it acceptable to abort? It's hard to say what I would do here. I have perfect healthy children, but what if I knew early in my wife's pregnancy that one of them was going to have some sort or terminal or detrimental disease? What if I knew that I couldn't afford the special needs, or that I couldn't handle my personal mental distress, or that the child was going to be in constant pain, or that the child was going to live a low quality life? I've never been faced with it, but I know that would have to be a hard decision to make on all levels: morally, financially, emotionally, etc.

    (Ran out of room - Continued next post)

  13. (Continued from previous post)

    -The last thing I think about, which is usually a huge dividing line in abortion, is Religion. A lot of folks determine their abortion views based on religion. "God created that baby"
    "God wanted that baby to have a disability"
    "It's God's plan"
    "We cannot play God"
    And I know that a lot of it comes down to simple morals and what we believe to be right and wrong, regardless of religion. "Abortion is murder" - sure, it might be to you, but to somebody else it is morally wrong to bring somebody into this world whom they cannot care for.

    Bottom line is that regardless of how individual people feel about abortion, I must agree with Joe, it is not the government's role to tell a woman that she can or cannot abort. To me, I believe that to be along the lines of the person freedoms that this nation granted us. I also think that politicians dabble a little too much into religion when debating abortion. Since our nation has the freedom of religion, Church and State should be separated and the Government should operate in a non-bias manner towards religion. Also, there are bigger problems in this nation that should be the focus of political debate in lieu of abortion.

    So am I pro-life or pro-choice? I feel like I would be ok with the banning of abortion in the US as long as rape victims had the choice to abort. My sister was raped when she was a senior in high school about 10 years ago. Luckily she was not impregnated by her assailant, but she carries those emotional scars with her everyday. I can only imagine how horrible her life would be if she had to relive her tragedy every time she looked into the eyes of her child; the would-be product of her rape.

  14. 11:48 - that perfectly states exactly how i feel! excellent choice of words :)

    and an hour later, anon 12:48 went into greater detail.

    thank you both for saying everything i needed/wanted to say.

  15. I totally agree with 11:48.

    I don't think anyone is happy about having an abortion but I sure don't want anyone to tell me or my daughters we could not have one. As with anything in life it is abused by some..the solution is not to take it away from those who need it. Hopefully the goal is to prevent it from being needed.

  16. if you get technical, a fetus is nothing more than a parasite. its not viable until 7-9 months into the pregnancy.

    September 16, 2011 12:39 PM

    And then the 'parasite' grows into an adult? and posts on here.

    You fit the definition of a parasite. A baby does not.

    an organism that lives on or in an organism of another species, known as the host, from the body of which it obtains nutriment.

  17. I guess we can see why the subject is so controversial....however, some people need to get the science and biology right before commenting....

  18. Yes, I believe in the right to chose what I feel is best for my body. If the situation ever warranted me having to chose, I want to be able to.

  19. @ 2:13 Why don't you choose to be responsible? If you did that and realize that every action and even inaction has consequences. If you are not adult enough to handle the consequences of adult behavior, then maybe you should be pretending to be one. personal responsibilty is also a lesson of life and the sooner people learn it, the sooner they can stop looking to other people as a solution or cause of their problems

  20. choices:
    1. chose to have sex before marriage.
    2. chose to have sex before you can take care of a baby and like someone else said take care of this child for 18 yrs.
    3. chose to have sex without protection. ( by the way the so called protection doesn't always protect but that's the chance you take and you still better be ready to take care of a baby.)

    those are your choices.....

    your choice is NOT to take the life of a baby. that should not be an option. actions have consequences. this baby is NOT part of the woman's body. the woman nurtures the baby in the womb before birth and feeds and nurtures after the birth outside the womb.


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