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Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Sheriff Mike Lewis Needs To Join The Communist Party

America is the land of the free and that includes the Press. However, when it comes to Sheriff Mike Lewis, if you don't play by his rules he throws you out of his sand box.

This can be said most recently during the Alice Davis Missing Person Report. You see, Salisbury News never got a Press Release from the Sheriff's Office. That is, until we went almost two days later to their Website and found one there.

While many have claimed Joe Albero was regularly tipped off by Sheriff Mike Lewis on several cases, that couldn't be further from the truth. Take today's Post about the Bloods case. Once again, Salisbury News got that information OUTSIDE of the Sheriff's Office, yet I'm sure Mike is ticked off because we had it, (once again) before anyone else.

In the Alice Davis case, again, Salisbury News published it two days before the Daily Times had anything and well before the MSM. So why is this important. Well, is it possible that someone reading our article saw Mrs. Davis? Is it possible someone reading Salisbury News could have seen her and reported it to the Sheriff's Office/Police? I respect the fact that the Sheriff's Office doesn't put out a missing person's report until 24 hours have passed but that doesn't mean I agree with it. If we can, (in any way) help save a life we will do so, period.

Sheriff Lewis wants to "control" the media and in my honest opinion he's in the wrong country for that. Maybe they can use a guy like him in China but this is the United States of America where we have FREE PRESS, or so we thought. Salisbury News was convenient each and every time Sheriff Mike Lewis needed us but God Forbid we ever disagree, get out of my sand box. Maybe we should be able to pick and choose Sheriff's, like he does Press.

Over the many years that I have been doing this I have yet to rely on Sheriff Mike Lewis for tips. In fact, Sheriff Lewis is always amazed that I have information, (sometimes before he does) and regularly comments to me about it. Nevertheless, now he feels by cutting me off completely, no one can say he does such a thing. Well, HOW'S IT WORKING FOR YOU MIKE?

Every week I seem to prove to my audience that I can deliver breaking news well before the rest of the Press and it has nothing to do with tips from Sheriff Mike Lewis or his Deputies. I have no inside sources within the Sheriff's Office. In fact, allow me to explain just how I learned about Alice Davis missing.

The Sheriff's Office and WBI started calling around to ALL of Mrs. Davis' friends and co-workers. After receiving a few phone calls from those friends and co-workers we knew something was up. We made a few phone calls and it was confirmed 24 hours BEFORE any of the rest of the Press was made aware.

It's because of our loyal and dedicated readers, WE CHOOSE what is important enough to publish, NOT the Sheriff. Mind you, IF I feel it could interfere with a criminal investigation I will not publish it. You win some and you lose some, that's how I see it. I will also state publicly that I did in fact send Sheriff Lewis a text message asking him to confirm or deny Mrs. Davis was missing, he did not respond. To be totally truthful with you, out of respect I usually do send Mike a text before I publish something concerning the Sheriff's Department but he does not reply any more. Well, rarely, that is.

Today we learned there is a Press Conference at 5:00 PM today referencing Mrs. Davis. I text Mike to confirm, he refuses to reply. I have been told he insists I be left out of the loop, even though we published the Breaking News well ahead of everyone else. Could the rest of the MSM be placing political pressure on Sheriff Lewis to make sure Salisbury News doesn't get it first. The answer is, absolutely, yes! There's NO other reason Sheriff Lewis would black ball us. We have always been respectful and we have always helped law enforcement.

Sheriff Mike Lewis is becoming too big for his britches, (shown above). Kissing babies and shaking hands is not leadership. Black balling the FREE PRESS is not leadership. Being controlled by the Main Stream Media because he knows they don't have the balls to challenge him isn't leadership.

I believe its important for two people to disagree and be able to move forward. However, Joe Albero and Salisbury News will NOT be controlled. Mike knows that and rather than dealing with whatever might face his department, black ball us and maybe he'll go away.

Could this be one of the reasons his veteran deputies are jumping ship? Are they unhappy with the way he is turning into a dictator? Ask them. Ask them if the promises he made while running for election are being kept. What's that old quote? "Power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely"?

Will THIS Press Conference Rock the Criminal World, again? Will Sheriff Lewis follow the lead of Wicomico County States Attorney Matt Maciarello who had my phone number blocked by Verizon? One man, one Blog, two scardy cats. Now THAT'S leadership. LMAO


  1. Mike Lewis has 'overshoot his bounds'.

    I do not believe he realizes that Freedom of the Press trumps law enforcement censorship.

    Mike - you had better wake-up - statistics show that the immediate hours after a crime is the most important time in solving a crime. With each diminishing hour the chances of resolving are diminished.

  2. And...didn't say a damn thing we didn't already know. All he did was ask for assistance in searching for her body. Well....we kinda already figured out that was gonna be next and nothing, absolutely nothing about her husband being arrested.

  3. When will people see that "Mike" is and always has been about "Mike". Only time will tell why he is doing what he is doing. Lets see what next political position he goes for.... Come on people, he is setting the stage. Just wait and see. He does things for his own good, no one else......

  4. so is there any report of the news conference or not?

  5. The fact that Sheriff Lewis did not do everything in his power to get the news of this missing woman out to ALL media outlets (regardless of his feeling toward them) is a disgrace. If this were my family member I would be going ballistic!

  6. Mike is a user. He uses people for all he can get out of them and then he turns his back on them. Look at Mike Elliot. Tossed aside. Carsten Wendlandt. Tossed aside. Even the fact that he's married gets tossed aside while he is travelling to teach his classes. And his wife knows it!

  7. I hold free speech in high regard as an american. I used to hold Mike Lewis the same but no longer. Heard his wife quit PRMC recently.

  8. You'd better watch out Joey, you're playing with fire.

  9. So, are you going to just keep posting all the sour grapes comments or are you going to rise above and give us something substantive that might help find Mrs. Davis? What's the focus here, people?

  10. I keep trying to tell ya -- we have public MASTERS, NOT public SERVANTS. The police (here and everywhere) have veered far from the days of old when the police were someone you LIKED to see, someone everyone knew and wanted to be like, familiar to the community they SERVED. In today's world, they view themselves as an elite military force, better than the people they CLAIM to serve, unfamiliar to the community, bent on keeping the civilians under "control" and in line, "educating" us with draconian enforcement of even the pettiest of "offenses", generating ever-increasing indirect taxes, no matter the resentment caused by their para-military actions. Swat teams in masks to bust sellers of counterfeit sunglasses? Stopping innocent citizens on land and sea to check them out to see IF they are committing ANY crimes they can get fined for? Tasing grandmothers for DARING to question their actions? Beating up kids for not moving fast enough when told to disperse? The list is truly endless. They forgot, a long time ago, what being a cop is all about...especially all the short ones...

  11. You know, if you showed some restraint and respect maybe he would give you the time of day. But just as this post has shown, you have no tact at all. The world does not revolve around you, and if you had shown respect in the past I'm sure you wouldn't be getting the cold shoulder now. You reap what you sow! Just because you reach so many people doesn't give you a "right" to the information. You really just need to learn some common decency and maybe you would be treated with the same.

  12. Well I think Sheriff Lewis has made a mistake. Doesn't he know that the people have a right to know? Or does he think that he has the right to hide things from the people? Thats what the government thinks. That they can keep anything from anyone they want. People are tired of that kind of government. I hope Lt. Leatherbury runs against him next time. I will vote for him.

  13. Lewis needs to get his priorities straight. I believed in him when I voted for him last time. Not again. I should have voted for Dougherty. At least he cared about someone other than himself.

  14. Sheriff Lewis has a Napolean Complex. Don't expect him to view you or any other citizen as his equal. He is not what he claims to be. He will show everyone his true colors in due time. They are already becoming clear. Someone mentioned Elliot and Wendlandt. How about Hamilton? He too was tossed aside. Lewis has an agenda and public safety ain't it.

  15. 6:03- Despite Mike Lewis' feelings toward Joe, WE, the citizens of Wicomico County, have the right to know. Last time I saw behavior like this, I believe I was in elementary school. Time to grow up Mike Lewis and be the leader WE elected. If you can not do this, please step aside so we can elect another who will! If you choose not to step aside or grow up, we certainly assist you with that during the next election!

  16. Could we put her picture or information about the case as the top article on this site. Instead of this?

  17. We helped Davis Ruark move aside and we can move Lewis too. I think these elected officals think they aren't accountable to their electorate. Wrong!

  18. He is a much better leader than Jeff Simpson will ever be. Quit protecting Jeff Simpson.

  19. Maybe you're not as important as you think. Just sayin'!

  20. Since when have the Police shared anything that wasn't to their benefit? Correct, never! C'mon people, Lewis is no different than any other elected official. Joe is just a pimple on a elephant's ass to them.

  21. I'll vote for anyone but Lewis next time, you can bank on it!

  22. Lewis has his head so far up Pollitt & Macireillo or Mac/Cheese is a$$.Is that why Mike's hair is turning brown.BOOOOOOOOOOO WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

  23. i'll give you credit on this one joe! you BANGED that one! and i personally can't stand ur dumb ass. lol

  24. The press conference was nothing more than grand standing. Information such as when the family last heard from her should be made public. Alice likely met her fate prior to the Sunday night when her husband reported her missing. She was so respected as a educator in our county I would think she would have contact with some of her colleagues. We need to know what her habits were and maybe those places should also be checked. Just requesting residents to check their properties in that area might not be good enough. Was her husband a taxidermist? Don't you think he would know how to dispose of a body professionally? This press conference fell FLAT and you can call me a disappointed Wicomico resident.

  25. You need to post that video Joe.

  26. Come on people this isn't about MIKE VS JOE!!!!! This is about Alice Davis who has inspired so many lives by teaching!!!

  27. And what's the State's Attorney doing there - he is not a police officer. Looks like he is as much a media maven as Mike.

  28. 6:40 -

    Davis is now a "consultant" -- check out his website.

  29. I can't believe Matt did that to you after you did everything to get him elected. Without Joe Albero, Seth Mitchell is the DA.

  30. Those sure are some pretty pink panties you have there boy......

  31. Joe,you are so right! Mike is all about him and no one else.

  32. After reading these comments I want to put my two cents in.

    Now, correct me if I'm wrong Joe, but it wasn't that long ago, during the time that little girl was killed, that you regularly and often held this sheriff up as a shining example of law enforcement and human decency.

    And this is how he repays you?!

    I have never met this sheriff but just from looking at him and listening, I never liked him or trusted him.

    As a matter of fact, you got on my nerves by constantly giving him praise and compliments.

    But now, his true colors are becoming obvious to even the very slowest person around here.

    Someone made the comment that you should be careful and you are playing with fire, of something similar.

    I am quite sure you are not worried seeing you have been to court, and winning, several times over your actions.

    I would suggest Mike Lewis be careful. He is messing with a bonfire in regards to this blog and public opinion.

    His recent actions have certainly gave him a black eye. And after reading your post, the DA has also. Blocking your number. That's his right of course, but I think it will backfire on him in the long run.

    You, Joe Albero, have been busting your butt getting us information and facts. Not only concerning this case but many, many more.

    It sounds like the sheriff is playing immature and childish games.

    You have some loyal and dedicated readers. AND THEY VOTE.

    Sheriff Lewis might win this battle but he will lose the war in the long run.

    And if Matt M. isn't careful, he will be next.

    I am behind you 100% and I am sure so are many many more.

    Since when did Barney Fife get promoted to sheriff? That is exactly how he is acting. A Barney Fife.

    This two cents of mine has turned into a nickel.

    Sorry for being so long but this just irks the heck outta me. The way you celebrated him and he acts this way.

    And from reading some of these comments, it seems you have company. Boo Mike Lewis. You may just be replaced as sheriff come next election.

    How do you like those apples?

  33. If you listened to what they said it is now a criminal/murder investigation and they were asking if anyone saw the vehicle for clues to where the body was dumped. The states arty is involved to write warrants to search the car/house etc based on the info gathered from the detectives. All press releases are available on their websites where everyone else gets them

  34. At 8:25 PM the Allen Volunteer Fire Department was just dispatched to a non-breathing subject. Sheriff's Department on the scene. Central just advised Sheriff's department says it may be a Priority 4(dead). The ambulance didn't have to drive far. I wonder if it is related to the Davis case?

  35. The Allen fire whistle is going off right now

  36. I am hispanic and I'll try and pass on the following message to all of my hispanic breathren.

    "Nosotros los mexicanos no les gusta la oficina del Sheriff Wicomico porque la información de la agencia censores."

    In English it means;
    We mexicans do not like the Sheriff's Department because the agency censors information.

  37. Owe - I almost forgot;

    Debe, se me olvidaba, ¡Viva Salisbury Noticias

    In English this says;
    Owe, I almost forgot, long live SBYnews!

    Hasta la Vista Baby!

  38. 5:52...if his wife DID quite the hospital, what, pray tell, does that have to do with anything???

  39. Anonymous said...

    Mike is a user. He uses people for all he can get out of them and then he turns his back on them. Look at Mike Elliot. Tossed aside. Carsten Wendlandt. Tossed aside. Even the fact that he's married gets tossed aside while he is travelling to teach his classes. And his wife knows it!

    September 7, 2011 5:45 PM

    Mike Elliott says he is the only one qualified to be Wicomico County's next County Executive.

  40. You gonna end up in jail.

  41. 7:41 is right! And you know, he doesn't have the political savvy to know that shitting on someone who was such a big help so early in your political career can kill it. Mat isn't that well known. He was part of the Republican party establishment and they supported him. He had no record to run on. He just happened to be what the party felt would be an attractive, electable pawn - and they got one. Look at what he did with the Sarah Foxwell case. Plea bargain! Look at what Lewis has done to the sheriff's office. Low morale, deputies leaving, breaking promises he made to the deputies to get their support. It looks like Mikey and Matty are really a couple of losers. We are suffering as a community. Poor Mrs. Davis may have been saved if those two had acted in a more professional manner rather than trying to taylor the incident to piss off a blogger.

  42. 7:41, you are crazy. Matt got himself elected. Seth NEVER had a chance.

  43. September 7, 2011 8:40 PM

    Just sit down and shut up.

  44. i cant believe so many were so stupid to vote for a hot head like lewis to begin with. the majority of the troopers he worked with couldnt stand him, his dad an 2 brothers are both hot heads to

  45. i cant believe so many were so stupid to vote for a hot head like lewis to begin with. the majority of the troopers he worked with couldnt stand him, his dad an 2 brothers are both hot heads to

    September 7, 2011 9:17 PM

    Live and learn. There was a mistake electing obammy too but that is going to be corrected. Sheriff can also be corrected.

  46. I find it interesting that so many are now "dissing" the once-sainted Mike Lewis and Matt Maciarello. When are people going to learn not to put their trust in other people; they usually end up disappointing you. I am, and continue to be, a supporter of both Lewis and Maciarello. I hope that they don't disappoint me. If so, I'll have plenty of egg on my face.

  47. Mike made a whole bunch of empty promises during his campaign trouble is no-one challenged him in the last election. I have known Mike since high school and thought he was a arrogant ass then but also thought he was a good police officer. Actions like tonight and other things that have come to light makes me rethink the ARROGANT ASS is coming into play once again.

  48. I supported them both too. I think I will still support Matt but not Lewis. This is the last straw for him. After he made the immature statement of rocking the world of the criminals and then nothing happened I realized he was all talk and no action. And the things he promised the deputies that never materialized. No more. Matt would be smart to put some distance between himself and Lewis.

  49. Before you criticize Mike Lewis maybe you should think about the wishes and feelings of her family. For them, this is a tragic nightmare and the bulls*** from the blogs only exacerbates the situation.

  50. Agreed, 10:12. Considering her family's history with Joe, I would keep him out too.

  51. After the way the Foxwell case went down in the blogs its understandable why he cut you loose. To much information being released will destroy a case. It was you that posted the kid was found before they ever found her. This is Barrie Tilghmans sister maybe she asked you not be included in this as media. You always say your not the press, now you say you are the press. What is it, are you or are you not the press? And anyone can block any number from their phone they don't need to call Verizon to do it.

  52. 1012 I agree. If Mike is not sharing info, there is definitely a reason for not doing so. Time will tell all. Love you Mike Lewis.

  53. Before you criticize Mike Lewis maybe you should think about the wishes and feelings of her family. For them, this is a tragic nightmare and the bulls*** from the blogs only exacerbates the situation.

    September 7, 2011 10:12 PM

    What does criticizing mikey have to do with the families?

    No one, as far as I can tell, is offending the families. Especially not intentionally.

    Did they delegate you to speak for them? If they are reading blogs at a time like this, well, it is what it is.

    Most of us are adults. If anyone can't handle it, they shouldn't be here.

  54. Don't bring Mike's wife into this. Show a little respect for her.

  55. Can everyone stop criticizing everyone's comments? Sheesh, how old are you people? It is a shame when a time like this all people can do is point fingers. Our community is a downfall spiral to no where. Also, why was this story posted? I mean I understand Joe's view point, but this is not the story we should be mainly concerned with at this time. Just saying....

  56. Going to the press conference this morning? I was told you weren't invited to that one either. They don't want you around. What are you going to do about it? Have us arrested? By who? Take the hint.

  57. 10:54 9/7 - Are you a kiss butt or what? Mike EWis is an egotistic, arrogant, a$$hole, midget of a man who thinks he's god. He's been that way since he was teenager. He'll never change. Everyone who's known him, not his ficticious personna, knows this. Baker or Elliott would be better sheriff's than this clown. They run the show over there while Mikey the midget stands in front of a podium flapping his gums. Next election, anyone but Mikey! His lies are starting to unravel and it's about time.

  58. As a late comer to this discussion, I have noticed the comments have gone from critizing Mike Lewis from not including Joe at the press conference to critizing Mike Lewis as an effective Sheriff. May I offer a suggestion. Take a good look at the Sheriff Department's operating budget during the last three years. The Sheriff Department's budget is been subject to budget cuts like all departments within Wicomico County. I'll critize the creators and voters of the revenue cap and the Wicomico County Council for n ot approving Rick Pollitt's recent request for a 5 penny property tax increase.

  59. Become a legitamate news source and maybe he'll keep you in the loop. Until then, he's not required to inform you of anything.

  60. 6:00am Leave it to you to bring the money up in a situation like this one. Ya, it's always about the money. Right!

  61. Joe has no business being anywhere near any member of Alice's family. We "from heres" stick up for our own during times like these. Leave them alone, people, and Joe, use some common sense about decency and respect their grief without adding to it with your presence. Didn't vote for Mike Lewis, but will if he ever runs again. Thanks,Sheriff Lewis.

  62. anonymous 6:46, I have no interest in being anywhere near the Tilghman Family.

    We will do everything in our powers to help find Alice but once we're done doing so, they're on their own.

    As far as voting for Mike Lewis, mark my words, Mike Lewis will not be running for Sheriff next go around. He's only interested in a political seat, like Norm Conway's. You'll see.

  63. 646- "us from-heres", "stick up for our own"

    Get over this attitude already. People are people no matter what side of the bridge they come from. I am not from here, but my heart breaks for this family just the same.

    Personally I wouldn't know Mike Lewis if he was standing next to me and I really don't care. This lady was a teacher, wife, aunt, daughter, and a sister, and that my friend, means more to me than someone who was elected a sheriff.

  64. Mike Lewis is a strong moral and ethical person. That scares the hells out of alot of corrupt people who are loosing control. Go Mike Lewis! You have an army behind you. He's very scarey to all the pot-heads and the non real men out there.

  65. 6:46 here. I you mean it, then thank you, Joe. To help and then step aside is a very gracious thing to do.

  66. From Here you need to get your facts straight. Joe was right about Sarah being found a day before they announced it. It came out in open court but was kept quiet. Don't be a sheep. Open your eyes.

  67. 7:04 get real! Moral and ethical person? You mean when he was going to church every sunday when he was running for office the first time and then after he won stopped going? Yes...a moral compass. Like his behavior with other women when he goes on his trips to teach classes? Manufacturing reasons for traffic stops? Those ethics? Ok. We are getting the picture. Do what you have to do to get what you want.

  68. There are people who make things happen, people who watch things happens, and people who wondered what happen. Mke Lewis is the first. Very refreshing in Wicomico County.

  69. 725 You should like a very jealous person. Waa Waa

  70. With Mike Lewis, it is or it ain't. No grey area. I like that about him.

  71. Matt Maciarello: Heal Thyself!

    The state's attorney's dealings with police officials should be limited to prosecution of specific persons who have been charged, and not involve media events about a crime, except when it directly pertains to the procecution of someone charged with committing it.

  72. Mike has some of the biggest kahunas that I have ever seen for Wicomico County. Courage. That's what it's all about. He doesn't bow down to anyone but uphold's the law. Period. I like that in a man. There's very few in politics that I can so that about.

  73. Mike and Matt seem to be birds of a feather, suck it up to get elected. Smile for the cameras, get elected then throw Joe Albero under the bus.

    There are still skeletons in their closets that are due to be released.

    Neither look all that impressive since the Leggs trial. Makes one think that all the drug raids during the campaign and after the election were held over to make everything look good. Makes good for drama TV

    Maybe Napolean Complex has been out done by Salisbury Chief Hulk Duncan. Who needs him? Seems the MSM likes her more anyway. She doesn't seem starved for the attention.

  74. If I had a missing family member or friend I wouldn't give a hoot if my worst enemy was helping to spread the word. But that's me. I'm not one who really gives a hoot what someone has done or said about me in the past.
    I would just want the news to spread as quickly as possible.

  75. Jesse Davis had a peace order put against him in the past.

  76. Joe,
    Maybe Sheriff Lewis choose to reveal the information in the case that was not considered sensitive to the investigation( which is ongoing) to a credible media source that does not put their own spin on the facts. And also one that does not have such negative feelings to the family members from the past.....i.e. your Barry Tilghman bashing days. He is not obligated to reveal information to a blogger who is a friend on minute (i.e.you when the Sarah Foxwell incident occured and you where privy to whatever information you had, and now when your not getting that information). Maybe this is a direct result of you not being responsible enough to respect the people who you rely on, and the methods in which you get and reveal it.
    Face it Joe, If its doesn't go your way, then you use this against those who deny you.

    Sheriff Lewis has made enormous improvements to Wicomico County. Although he may not be perfect, He doesn't owe a "blogger" the time of day. He is able to communicate his message and information in more reliable and respectable ways.

  77. Sheriff Mike Lewis is a communist, plain and simple. Mike Lewis is on record for recognizing Salisbury News as Main Stream Media. His only fear was other Bloggers claiming I get all my information from Mike, which is not true. Remember one thing, not one of them can PROVE that to be a fact and I know this because I know where I get my information from.

    Mike needs to move to China where they accept his kind of leadership. In the mean time, this is the United States of America, not China.

    I strongly recommend you read the comments here and see who is on who's side. Again, I'm the ONLY one on the Eastern Shore with the balls enough to use my name and tell it like it is. Will I get tickets, we'll see. Will I get harassed, we'll see.

    Like one comment said in one of these posts, officers are jumping ship and leaving the Sheriff's Office like you've never seen before. I sent Mike a text message a few weeks ago asking him if he'd like to go on the record about it. Again, NO REPLY.

    You don't see the MSM covering it, do you! Heck, look at how many of these officers that were hired by either Rick Pollitt or the States Attorneys Office!

    Get real brother, things are NOT good at the Wicomico County Sheriff's Department, period.

  78. I'll add, 8:05, yet YOU come to Salisbury News in record numbers to see what is the TRUTH. Love me or hate me, I am the real deal, you know it and every one else knows it too.

  79. Your are certainly afforded the right to your opinion. All I can say is there are numerous instances from the past where you were raving about performances of officials, and soon after they were the worst you've ever seen. Your blog is good at putting out information. My only issue is when you turn on peolple who do not give you your way. Period.

    You are, in fact, in this for yourself and your ratings, which you consistantly remind everyone about.

    We can argue the credentails all day long, but that will never change the fact that you change your feelings towards people from day to day..FACT!!!

  80. HA. That's funny. People come here and tell you that you aren't real media - yet they came here. They want to know the truth and they can't help themselves. They come here. Ya know, we can't hide from the truth. The light of day shines on everyone eventually. Their intentions are revealed, everyone sees it for what it is and their truth is known. The family of this poor woman are grieving and there are those elected officials who behave as if it's just another chance to be in the lime light. They put out small pieces of information to make sure everyone tunes back in to the next episode of the Mike Lewis Show. Not very good at all.

  81. "And also one that does not have such negative feelings to the family members from the past....."

    If this is the sheriff's reason for not including Sby News into the loop of breaking news stories than I find that an irresponsible action on the sheriff's part.

    The picture of Ms Davis' car should have been immediately circulated among all sources, including those having even the smallest audiences. You never know who may have seen that car on Sunday night or Monday, which in turn could provide as clue as to Ms Davis' whereabouts. By holding info from any source with the ability to spread the word is NOT doing your job 100%.

  82. I wish you two would actually fight. It would be fun to see two midgets going at it.

  83. Joe's man panties are in a wad because Sheriff Lewis won't come out and play anymore. A 9mm from his revolver between your eyes would do us all well. Yeah, go ahead and turn this into the authorities. ROTFLMAO....Jackass.

  84. 8:33, So are you saying that just because Joe turned on Lewis, that Lewis should hold that against Joe and not provide Sby News with info that could help solve a crime?
    I would seriously think any LE official would be above that and not worry that their feelings were hurt and worry more about solving crimes!

  85. anonymous 8:33, am I to LIE to the people that come here?

    I respect those people in political positions who represent open government. However, when ANY one of them start hiding the TRUTH, I call it the way I see it.

    Funny, you never seem to complain when I did so with Rick Pollitt and many others.

    You, nor Mike Lewis can ever say I don't have the audience to make a difference. Let's just take animals for s stupid example. THINK, how long does it take for an animal to be reunited with their owner. In most cases, 10 to 15 minutes, all the way to the Virginia line to Easton and southern Delaware. THINK AGAIN!

    Many would like to challenge just how big Salisbury News is but that one example should show everyone how well we're read. Try denying me now!

    We won't even get into the record numbers with the Salvation Army and the now ALL volunteer bell ringers. Mike Lewis has made a huge political error and that IS my oinion.

    Now, that being said, it is up to our readers to decide. One thing is for sure, Mike Lewis is a fine man and people will NOT say to his face that he made a big mistake. However, behind a curtain they will speak the truth in the voting booth.

  86. You are playing with fire Albero. Better watch out.

  87. I respect your opinion, but if you want the readers to truly decide, why do you suggest he "go to join the communist party?" as a headline? If you think he is a fine man, how can you say that and not expect to influence the readers opinion going into the article? I don't know all the details of the investigation...nor do you. Could he have made a better decision regarding the information, yes.... But to jump to that kind of statement without knowing all of the details and damaging his credibility seems a little soon for this case. He may indeed suffer from the decisions he made, but it has to be determined after all of the circumstances have been made available. The article you put out was created with your opinion as a motivation. The story identified shortcomings, and that is fine. But don't claim to have the readers decide when you have decided for them....
    Its a fact thatmany voters are only educated by what they see on the "media". If all the read on SBYNEWS is how terrible Mike Lewis was this week, then you have not let the voters "decide".

  88. Friend of the Dr, you are wrong! It's the sheriff's panties that are in a wad. The sheriff's is the one holding a grudge. If I had a missing family member who most likey is now a crime victim I would be plenty ticked off that the sheriff would put his personal feelings before trying to recover the remains of my loved one.

  89. 8:05 and others who feel information should only be released to "credible" media outlets....just who in this area do you consider to be credible?..really I would like to know...

  90. Finally Joe you've noticed for
    urself really just how this
    jerk operates, I guess it's
    always better late than never.

  91. Joe,
    A lot of people have come to me and
    said they refuse to re-elect this
    A** to another term.

    15 minutes are up!!!

  92. I wish the sheriff's had done more to alleviate the fears of the community. I just talked to a friend whose child attends Salisbury State and lives on campus. She said last night was the first night she was able to sleep after hearing of Davis' suicide. She had been worried about her daughter, who against her parent's advice goes to the Fruitland Walmart at all hours and sometimes by herself.
    If Davis' was/had been a suspect we need confirmation of that.

  93. The media on the Eastern Shore SUCKS! They pick & choose what they publicize and keep several important news reports from the general public as well as mislead us...most likely to make it appear as though the area and Ocean City are glorious, problem-free paradises (which they are FAR from) in order to not deter touri$t$ (who they constantly criticize) and their preciou$ CA$H from visiting the area.

    Although I do not always agree with Joe, I admire his informative site which does not withhold the TRUTH. He's entitled to his opinion just as everyone in the U.S. is. Other media outlets constantly opt to withhold the TRUTH (as well as perpetually streeeeeeetching it)from area residents that they are privy to...as though we are not privileged enough or beneath them in class regarding being informed of IMPORTANT news.

  94. Andy, this happens not only on the Eastern Shore but also other areas. Baltimore's Inner Harbor comes to mind. One would think you could walk around the Inner Harbor with $100 bills taped all over you and not be robbed.

  95. How can any government official, ESPECIALLY the police, deny a particular citizen, access to a "news conference" that is otherwise open to any other citizen? Would it be because they (the police, notably the Sheriff himself) think the county is their particular fiefdom? A place where THEY can decide what citizens are ALLOWED to do? I told you what they are --- public MASTERS. Not public servants. This reveals their true attitude. Notice, I don't hide behind "anonymous", either. Got something to say? Be a man. Or are you afraid (rightly so) of getting pulled over for not using your turn signal and getting shot because some cop "thought you were reaching for a weapon?"...or "resisted" something" or "hindered" a cop? Or "obstructed JUSTICE"? Bring it, baby.

  96. Maryland state law states press conferences are open to the public.

  97. While I find it refreshing that people are realizing that Mike Lewis is only a face to the cammera and behind the scenes he doesn't do anything besides go out of state and teach classes, the fact of the matter is finding Alice Davis. Mike Lewis relies on the guys under him to get his information. For example the Foxwell case, many men were out there day in and day out. Mike was there when the cammeras were on. He is loosing what is immportant and has lost respect from those who know him. He is out for #1 which is himself. He needs to take a step back and look. The other posters are right, it is a problem when the guys who have put in long years (before Mike became Sherrif) are now leaving the Sherrif's office. That IS a PROBLEM! I hope someone more reputable runs for Sherrif on the next election!!!

  98. Because of Lewis’s “Grand Standing” he almost lost a conviction of one of the most vicious criminals in Wicomico county history. He almost gave Thomas Leggs a ticket to walk by tramping all over the constitution. How you ask? By not getting a judge to give him a warrant to get access to Mr. Leggs cell phone calls and a current GPS location. Lewis excuse was “There was no time”, maybe so, but if this guy hadn’t taken a plea, an appeal court might have seen it differently. Comrade Lewis sees everything only his way, to hell with people’s rights or what is right, to him, “The end justifies the means”, but what about if you were the one who’s rights were being trampled? This is not by any means an endorsement for Mr. Legg’s, but Comrade Lewis ignores the law to suit his own agenda.

  99. I tend to disagree with you, Tom.

    Just supposing the records were obtained without a warrant, since I don't know for sure if they were or they weren't, the eye witness testimony of the younger sibling who witnessed "Tommy" in the home, the night of Sarah's abduction would have been enough IMO to convict Leggs.
    A higher court doesn't toss out a conviction just because some evidence was obtained unconstitutionally. They look at the totality of the evidence presented and base their decision on whether they feel a guilty conviction would have most likely occured even without the quesionable evidence.

  100. I am a lawyer, and any evidence obtained illegally is tainted and therefore inadmissible in court, it comes under the “Fruit from a poisoned tree” clause.

  101. Well then 2:19, as a lawyer you should know that it takes more than evidence tainted under the "Fruit from a poisoned tree" for a higher court to overturn or throw out a guilty verdict.

    And BTW- The Fruit of the Poisonous Tree" is referred to as a doctrine and not a clause.


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