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Friday, September 09, 2011

Sgt. Schultz Says

Say nothing… nothing!

To cops, ever.

Anything you say can and will be held against you. Remember that?

You ought to.

Even if you haven’t been formally arrested (merely “detained,” as in the case of a traffic stop) it does you no good and very possibly much harm to give any information to the cop beyond the simple minimums of name and perhaps address, as required by law. Nothing more, because anything more will simply give the cop information – information he can and will use against you, both at curbside and later on, in court.
This is his job. Do not forget it.

He is not there to “help” you. He is not a good Samaritan. You are not having a chat with a friend. You have been detained because the cop believes you have violated some statute or other – and he is investigating you. He is trained to elicit confessions of guilt, which can and will be used against you. Depend upon it.



  1. Didnt go so well the last time round with me. Oh well.

  2. Well, it would probably help if you were innocent to start with.

  3. Innocence doesn't matter. You have any idea at all how many innocent people have been murdered by the police? I N N O C E N T. Not conjecture. Not hyperbole. Not rumor. FACT. Murdered. Many on film. Like the guy in Chicago handcuffed to a pole outside his house. The cop tells the suspects daughter to get back in the house. Then turns around and puts a bullet in his chest. He didn't know he was being filmed. I'm SURE the cops story would have involved "resisting" or "reaching for a weapon". They are public MASTERS and LIKE it that way.

  4. lol oh lord. time for me to go to bed. I'll let you guys put on your tinfoil and stand guard.

    Night serpico.

  5. NEVER, NEVER trust a cop. no, I have never been charged,arrested, or suspected of a crime. I have no family or friends ever charged,arrested or suspected of a crime. I have never even had a ticket! But I do know these thugs...do not trust!

  6. When I was a young man you could talk to a police officer and he would treat you the way you treated him. That was when I was a young man NOT ANY MORE. Now you talk to a Robot type of a horses ass when you talk to a cop. The majority of them with an exception of a few think they are above the general public weather in uniform or not. Oh and I have never been charged with more than a speeding ticket and am a law abiding citizen.Just putting my point of view out there!

  7. a friend in need is a friend indeed

  8. they are not here for your protection! And if you think they are wait until you need one! You'll figure it out, hopefully very quickly before something bad happens to you or your loved ones!

  9. You forgot one thing especially with the deputies of Wicomico County, they don't read you your rights many times but swear they did. Unfortunately, the SA believes they do. Many things said or done are illegal but these clowns get away with it, WAY too often. Of course it is funny to see one of these thugs with a badge go on the witness stand and be embarassed by a defense lawyer and the case thrown out. LOL Really funny stuff! I have friends who are LEO's but most today are like the others described above. Liars! Ego-maniacs! Self-righteous! Arrogant! Criminals!

  10. There was an old WWII veteran that ran a garage in Wicomico County for years & years. One day while we were having coffee he informed me that a government official visited his establishment and requested a copy of his sales tax collection receipts. He voluntarily complied and the state auditor came-up with a discrepancy of about 25 cents. The owner of the garage reached into his pocket to fetch a quarter to pay the deficiency.

    Quickly - the state auditor said - owe no it doesn't work that way here in Maryland - and he proceeded to write him a citation.

    When the state auditor got done - he said to the garage owner - the government is here to help you.

    I'll never forget his expression when he told me this story as this was the advise that he gave me;


    His name was Orville Hearne and he ran Hearne's Garage on Mt. Hermon Road for over 50 years.

  11. Just remember thier SOLE purpose is to gather information they can use against you

  12. These comments are all too funny. I bet these negative commenters are weed smokers or do something illegal. That's why they feel so darn threatened.

  13. The one thing that I have learned in life is that its the person, not the profession. I can judge a character of a person after about three different times of being around them. You have good in every field and you have bad in every field. It's the person. It's all about respect. Once a person has gained my respect, I will do everything in my power to stand behind them and help them with whatever they need. But when I loose respect, It won't come back, ever. I don't give a rats arse who you are. I consider all people that I trust and love, my family. When you hurt any of my family, be prepared to reap what you sow.

  14. Subliminal messages only work for the weak minded. I am starting my new business expansion and creating a tin foil hat line.

  15. They are not "weed smokers" as stated above.

    I was once tailgated on 13 near price buick going to my $9/hr job at 4 AM by a state trooper. He passed me, slammed the brakes and stopped his car diagonally across the two lanes with no overhead lights.

    I went around him and he tailgated me again.

    On another occasion a state trooper pulled me over for not switching lanes as he was parked on the shoulder with his overheads.
    HE was very cordial and left me with a simple warning saying he didn't want to add anything to my record as I have a CDL.

    I thought that was decent of him.

    Different things happen.

  16. 10:13 MUST be a cop. I suppose that all the people who have been killed, beaten, maimed, raped, extorted, and robbed by police were all smoking weed. I guess all the parents of the kids who were beaten and fined for not moving as quickly as they were told are weed smokers, too. As are all the (mainly black) people pulled over for not using a turn signal and end up being searched by a K-9 and five cops, while standing in handcuffs A WHOLE LOT of law-abiding citizens (none wearing tin-foil hats that I've ever seen) resent the heavy handed and above-the-law tactics and attitude of today's police. As evidenced by the above comments. I grew up in a small town where everyone knew the police by their first name and you could talk to them like a friend. Not anymore. Question a cop about what he is doing (your RIGHT as a citizen) and you may well be arrested, beaten, fined, jailed, and in some cases, killed. They aren't anyone's friend anymore. Merely armed enforcers, no different than the local Mafia, except with the LEGAL authority to kill us.

  17. Actually not a cop, brrrt. Yeah I know what extortion is and how many people have been extorted against only it wasn't the cops that did it. It was the spider web trying to control law enforcement for fear of what they have done.
    computer hacking
    terroristic threatening
    The list is a long one and the mf'r had better invest in vasoline.

  18. Please, police and the single most harrassed wrongfully accused group of people on the planet. Why would any cop want to look out for anyone? NO ONE looks out for police officers, NO ONE. People are only looking to make a quick pay day.

  19. There are no bigger liars on the planet than police officers. Even worse, they're paid to lie. Law Enforcement Officers jobs these days are to compile cases for the court system. That is all, doesn't matter if a crime was committed or not. They don't care what the crime is or if it exist, they find one to keep funding. They don't care if the people they are confronting with crimes are innocent or guilty. They overstep their boundaries and like their overgrown egos with their badge little is done when they step out of line. Keep in mind if there is no crime there is no need for the police officer.

  20. I was once tailgated on 13 near price buick going to my $9/hr job at 4 AM by a state trooper.

    left me with a simple warning saying he didn't want to add anything to my record as I have a CDL.

    September 10, 2011 10:51 AM

    You have a CDL and only make 9 bucks an hour? You must drive a 6wheeler.

    Or drive for a crappy company like AIM transport near Eldorado.

  21. Waaa Waaaa. I can't smoke my pot, drink and drive, talk on my cell driving, or find any other way to violate the law without fear. you asses are pathetic. I bet you would never be able to pass the psych test. It's amazing what the perception and altered way of thinking is with some people.

  22. The people who write comments on this site are scary! (and some might even been insane) Wow...

  23. Police officers are our neighbors, sit next to us in church, coach our children's sports teams, members of the PTA, members of other community organizations BUT they are rapists, murder our friends, extort our community etc......

    This is pure insanity! Every profession has "bad apples" but to label these people like this (with no facts) is irresponsible.

    I am disappointed that the article that started these comments also gives drunk drivers tips on how to avoid being arrested. Good community service....

  24. I can't believe there are people that believe that the police aren't and can't be dangerous. I'm glad this article was printed because in reality, even though most of us had to take some kind of government class to graduate high school, many people do not know their rights as citizens. Especially in matters where the police are involved, that's why you have to hire a lawyer. And yes there are some people out in this world everyday breaking the law, but not everyone a police officer comes into contact with is a criminal, but they treat you that way, and there are times when the police are at fault. I'm not saying all policeman out there are bad, but things are definitely alot different now than when I was growing up.

  25. Now that I'm retired I do not have to deal with people anymore but when I stopped people for only speeding, or for any traffic violation, and they acted as described that person would get hit with every ticket I could throw at them. However, if someone was personable, admitted what they were doing, didn't argue, they got a warning. This is just how I operated.


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