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Thursday, September 22, 2011

New Law Has Put 1 Million More Young Adults On Parents' Health Insurance

A 2010 health insurance law that allows those under age 26 to stick to their parents' health insurance plans has allowed 1 million presumably uninsured adults in the age group to find coverage. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the amount of young adults who lack health insurance has fallen from 34 percent from the beginning of 2010 to 30 percent in March.

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  1. As long as I pay the health insurance premium, what the problem? The insurance already covered up to 23 anyway. What's wrong with 3 more years. Chances are young adults in the 23-26 year range are probably the healthiest (or at least claim less doctor's visits, etc) than most other age groups.

  2. The problem is that the government is extending it's authority into private industry more and more every year. The ability of small businesses to effectively run their own businesses continues to be hindered by socialistic laws and policies. More and m ore businesses are finding it necessary to cut their profits in order to hire people to make sure they remain in compliance with ever increasing government regulations that violate the constitutional rights of the citizens. You socialist liberals are driving this nation into default. Why can't you see this? Why is it that you think you are entitled to things you don't work for? How can it be fair for the government to take from those who work hard and aspire to be wealthy and give to those who choose not to follow that path? In the eyes and minds of the liberals, they should be ale to work less than 8 hours a day and still be able to afford the same things as those who work 10, 12, and 14 hours a day trying to keep a business afloat and turning a profit so that those who want to work 8 hours a day have a place to work.

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