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Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Jersey Shore Hurricane Impact


  1. My heavens that was one nasty beach unbelievable that people would leave the beach with their trash on it they should be fined for leaving there trash .Do they not have trash cans or just are people to lazy thats horrible.

  2. Looks like they need more of this type of weather to keep the beach clean.

    Addtionally, New Jersey voted for Obama and u can tell how his people conduct themselves.

  3. Oh Irene, Wait!!!!! You forgot to take, Vinny, Paul, Mike, Ronnie, Snookie, Sami, Jenni and Deena with you!!!!!!!

  4. Thought that was a northern delaware beach. Top ten polluted cities in the country.

  5. That beach looks like the way New Jerseyans act-nasty!

  6. Hey, hey, hey....not ALL people from NJ act ignorant. The vast majority are quite nice & considerate. You only hear about the loud mouthed idiots. Also, that beach is a pig sty, yes, it also could have been any beach in the country.

  7. NJ has the most dumps in the USA and then there are the Landfills!
    People from NJ are supper stupid and very bad drivers!

  8. Right On !!!! Everytime I get cut off in traffic I check the plate and it is from NJ.


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