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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Feds To Legal Medical Marijuana Patients: You Don’t Have Second Amendment Rights. Period.

The federal government, notably under the current administration, continues to paint itself into a corner politically speaking regarding Mr. Obama’s pre-election promises to ‘fix the problem with medical marijuana’.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) issued a memorandum on September 21 to all gun dealers in the United States for the expressed purpose of informing them that they MUST discriminate against lawful medical cannabis patients and DENY them their Second Amendment right to buy and possess a firearm for hunting and/or personal protection.

See Memo Here


  1. Nothing new here. Since oh about 10 years ago the government has shown repeatedly that it is ready to take over our lives. We al most can't go anywhere now without being on camera, they have the right to "take over" when we are "under threat". Pretty soon speaking how you feel will be under attack, oh wait.....

  2. i dont see the big deal. its legal to drink. its legal to drive. you just cant do both. felons cannot own guns - where is their 2nd amendment rights? its common sense they CHOOSE to take "medical marijuana". so, they gave up their 2nd amendment rights

  3. If its given by a doctor, who signed off on their license swearing to help all those in need, how should it be considered "giving up" your second amendment? IMO no one should ever be declined a right that is considered to be equal to all human kind living in our country. Honestly it isn't even right for felons to be denied their rights as a human being. But it is ok for people who enter our country illegally to be funded by our government, funny how things work out.

  4. Is this the same tax payer funded government group that used tax dollars to buy weapons and then smuggled them across the border and gave them to the drug gangs in mexico? I'm not sure they are the best source for constitutional law opinions.

  5. if a doctor gives you morphine or any other "mind-altering" drug, they tell you not to drive. its not rocket science.

  6. Legalize it and tax the hell out of it. US government will make loads of money like on cigarettes and booze. Save loads of money in law enforcement and free up the courts and the jails.

  7. Are people who are prescribed pain killers and mood altering drugs allowed to purchase fire arms? This sound like a foot hold type regulation that could easily be expanded.

  8. 9:39 & 10:27 better stop drinking so their mind and thought process becomes clearer and more logical. I am having a hard time equating taking a legal presciption and at the same time "giving up your 2nd Amendment rights". What??? OR associating taking MORPHINE and not driving with the government (by DECREE!) taking a Constitutional right from us? How does THAT have ANYTHING to do with the government denying a citizen his Constitutional rights for (as the article itself states) LAWFUL behavior. It shows, as I've said so many times before, our PUBLIC MASTERS don't give a crap about the Constitution. Or our rights. As far as they are concerned, the only rights we have are the ones they THINK we should have and are willing to LET us have--- at their discretion, of course. I KNOW-- the "system" is working fine. But where is the outrage among the rest of the people who haven't surrendered their souls? Who still think for themselves? Who know their history? Who know that we are GUARANTEED freedom by a document drenched in the blood of our forefathers, who didn't fight and die so that some Nazi, powertripping bureaucrat could arbitrarily tell us what rights they will kindly "give" us now?

  9. Hey teacher,
    leave them kids alone

  10. " associating taking MORPHINE and not driving with the government (by DECREE!) taking a Constitutional right from us? How does THAT have ANYTHING to do with the government denying a citizen his Constitutional rights for (as the article itself states) LAWFUL behavior."

    it relates because both ways you are getting high and getting in control of a weapon.

  11. 1:18 -

    "it relates because both ways you are getting high and getting in control of a weapon."

    using a weapon while impaired is a bad idea, No arguement there but under ur thought process then the law should state that if someone choses to drink or take morphine they give up the right PURCHASE(or own) A VEHICLE!!!

    Owning an firearm and using a firearm under the influence is not the same thing

  12. 1:18 ...your logic (and I'm being as generous as I can) is, well, not very well thought through.....as 4:53 so correctly pointed out. It also assumes the person is smoking pot 24 hours a day. And rag weed, at that (3% potentcy....LOL). I'm not even sure if 3% potentcy pot actually will get someone "high"...what's next? The government requires all doctors and pharmacists to submit a list to them of all citizens who have a prescription for Xanax, Valium, Percocet, and dozens of other drugs (which, just for YOUR edification, pack a bigger punch than marijuana, with much greater side effects) and then have a court order issued stripping THEM of their 2nd Amendment rights, too? Trust me....there are millions of people that own a rifle or handgun or both and get high. According to the ATF (whose record with guns IS NOT something to be proud of -- are THEY getting high??) there should be, therefore, millions of accidental (and purposeful) deaths/shootings. Why isn't that the case? Go ahead --- make something up. You've done well with that effort so far....I don't think the founding fathers intended to have a bunch of bureaucrats deciding which one of us gets to enjoy the Bill of Rights....


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