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Friday, September 23, 2011

CFL Bulb Disposal

As we begin to use more and more CFL bulbs in preparation for the incadescent bulb phase out in 2012, we need to know how to get rid of them after they burn out.

The Environmental Protection Agency says that since CFLs contain a small amount of mercury, there are important guidelines to follow for correct disposal.

It recommends that consumers take burned out bulbs to local recycling center or even local retailers. Here's a list of some retailers that will recycle your CFL bulbs:

- Ace Hardware - Aubuchon Hardware - Bartell Drugs - Home Depot - IKEA - Lowe's - Menards - Orchard Supply - TrueValue

Other local locations can be found by visiting Earth911.com.

If your state permits putting CFLs in the trash, seal the bulb in two plastic bags and put it in the outside trash.

For more information about CFL bulbs, visit the EPA's website.


  1. Well isn't that just great. These are the same eco morons that shoved ethanol down are throats which basicly makes your car get less milage and causes fuel sys issues... not to mention it only has a 30-60 day shelf life go figure

  2. When the time comes that I am forced to use CFL bulbs I wont be driving my burned out bulbs to a recycling center. They will go in the trash...mercury and all!

  3. Go to the EPA website and look at their recommended cleanup procedures in the event that you break a CFL. It will blow your mind.

  4. it's simple just mail them to your public officials.

  5. How did we come to this? It's so frightening to me that the citizens of this country are either to stupid, too apathetic, or too busy to care about what's happening to this great Nation! HELP! Somebody please help!

  6. If they are that much trouble to get rid of, why even use them?

    Sorry, but they have been going right in the trash and will continue to do so.

  7. Put the mercury-containing bulb in TWO PLASTIC BAGS then put it in the trash which will likely go to a LANDFILL and end up buried on land or at sea. The EPA must be staffed by numbnuts. I'll stick to my incandescent bulbs thank you - heat and all.

  8. 10:17...That's is a great idea. This could start a revolution. The american people could see the impact of something like the light bulb.

    Just imagine if we mailed all of our tax bills back to them and we all refused to pay taxes. Ultimately, we the american people are the boss of the govmt. We need to stop being so afraid of them.

  9. Where has our "free" country gone?
    Where is my right to choose?
    I am forced to use gas in my car that is polluted with ethanol.
    I can no longer buy a washing machine that has a warm water rinse.
    Now, I am being forced to use CFL bulbs. I will be "stockpiling" incandescent bulbs. I need them to keep the doghouse warm in the winter, to keep baby chicks warm, etc. I'll bet that once my stockpile is gone, I will be able to get them from China.
    How do we stop the insanity?

  10. mail them to the epa

  11. EPA needs to push dimmer switches. We have incandescent bulbs still burning after THIRTY years!


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