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Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Big Oil: To Create Jobs, Let Us Drill More

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- With job creation taking center stage in American politics, the oil industry Wednesday made a pitch for drilling more widely. With looser restrictions, the industry says it could deliver 1.4 million new jobs, boost tax rolls by $800 billion, and increase domestic energy production almost 50%.

To hit those numbers, the industry would need to drill off the East and West Coasts, in waters off Florida's Gulf Coast, in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and on most federal public land that's not a national park. These areas are currently off limits to drilling, except for some public land in these regions.



  1. I come to this website for news before any of the other local news agencies because they suck. Anytime you comment on WBOC and it doesnt agree with any Democratic leader they either wait until other people start to say the same thing to post my comment or they pull it from the comment section. I have never cussed or anything like that just spoke my mind. Why have a comment section if you wont allow people to post their opinion. I have read several articles on here that never are on WBOC or WMDT. Way to go Joe. Keep up the good work.

  2. To quote Sarah Palin "Drill Baby Drill"


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