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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

When A Tree Falls, Who Pays?

There's lots of trees down after Irene and someone has to got to pay to get rid of them. But who? What if your tree fell on your neighbor's house? What if their tree fell on your house? Who's responsible? Here are the general rules of thumb.

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  1. I learned something new today. If your neighbor that doesn't take care of their trees (cut down the dead ones) and it falls on your house, your insurance has to pay for it? That doesn't seem right at all. If it's their tree their insurance should have to pay.

  2. Just got off the phone with MY insurance company about a tree that fell over on my property. It is leaning at a 45 degree angle towards my neighbors property, being held up by another oak tree. It's fall is imminent. Of course, it's NOT covered. When I asked "What if it falls and kills my neighbor. Is THAT covered?" The answer is, of course, "no". I wanted to ask exactly what IS covered, but I was afraid he would say "nothing". However, my insurance company DID send an "inspector" to my home (when I wasn't there). They sent me a letter telling me I had thirty days to install a handrail, take pictures of it and send them the pictures. They can assign me construction projects, tell me to PROVE I did it, and give me a deadline, too??! LOL! In the revolution thats coming, they're definitely on "the list".

  3. Anon 1:41. I would investigate that futher. I think if the homeowner is made aware (cert. letter?) of a dead tree and they are negligent in having it removed, I beleive that THEY ARE responsible for it. Only b/c of the negligence factor. Again, check into that a bit more. Might be wrong but worth looking into!


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