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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ron Paul Asks If Libya Is Indeed "Mission Accomplished"

Even as a major hurricane hit America's eastern seaboard, the administration is determined to expand the war in Libya while threatening the regime in Syria.  Is there any limit to government's appetite to create more problems for our nation and economy?

Americans may be tempted to celebrate the apparent victory of US and NATO backed rebels in Libya, since it seems the Gaddafi regime is overthrown. But I believe any enthusiasm for our Libyan misadventure is premature.

The Obama administration attacked Libya without a constitutional declaration of war, without congressional authorization, without meaningful consultation with Congress -- and without a dollar being authorized from the House or Senate.  It was a war started by a president who turned to the United Nations for its authority and ignored the authority of the US Congress.

Are we better off as a nation by ignoring and debasing our Constitution?  Are we better off having spent more than a billion dollars attacking a country thousands of miles away that had not threatened us?  Are we more financially sound having expanded the empire to include yet another protectorate and probable long-term military occupation?  Are we more admired throughout the world for getting involved in yet another war?


1 comment:

  1. Ron Paul is the only --- the ONLY -- candidate, Democrat or Republican, that would stop this nonsense. Our government wants to help people achieve "freedom" and "democracy", but ONLY if there is oil in their country. Our war mongering, keep-the-defense-moguls rich, I'll-send YOUR-kids-to-die (but NOT my own), politicians want to help some desperate, starving people achieve freedom? Invade North Korea. Oh, my bad --- they don't have an oil industry. How about Ethiopia? Same. Stop these crazy third world interventions!!! Or send some Senator's kids over there....either one.


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