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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

O'Malley Keeps Open Mind On Teacher Pensions

Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley said Monday he has always favored the state paying teacher pension costs, but he will keep an open mind during debate on whether to shift some of the cost to counties.

O'Malley, speaking on WTOP-FM's "Ask the Governor" program, also suggested the state should consider indexing tolls to keep up with inflation costs for transportation infrastructure.


  1. shift them to 401k style

  2. I am just plain tired of the teachers being treated like gods when the rest of us working stiffs have to take furloughs, reduction in pay, no raises & contribute more towards our retirement..why are they so special that they get a pass? I do appreciate what they do but I work with kids & have to bite the bullet!

  3. Sounds like you are pretty jealous of teachers. Maybe you just should have been one, if its as easy as you say it shouldn't be too hard for you.

  4. 3:43, I am a retired teacher and don't ever remember treated like a god. The issue is whether the state should fund teachers' pensions or whether some the responsibility should go to the county. As you know, Wicomico County is in a desperate financial situtation; it can't possibly find funds to contribute towards teachers' pensions. I am aware that the state could realize considerable savings by shifting some of the cost to the counties, but then the counties would be stuck. Most of the counties have no money available. Therein lies the dilemma. 3:26, many teachers are also in a 401K, but we paid throughout our career towards our retirement plan.

  5. Schools should be privatised!
    There should be NO TEACHERS on a public payroll.
    The schools should receive funding based on performance and compete against other schools.
    Teachers should be paid what they're worth, which is not much!

  6. "Teachers should be paid what they're worth, which is not much!"

    Thank you, 4:26. I (3:43)appreciate that. I always did feel that I wasn't paid what I was worth. Apparently, some teacher(s) taught you how to write; you have no errors other than the spelling of privatiZed.

  7. Teacher salaries and raises are 100% controlled by local boards of ed, and teacher pensions are calculated based on the final couple of years of average salary. Why should the State have to pick up the total cost of something they have no control over? If local boards are giving raises to teachers above what the local market can sustain, then the local county should have to pay at least part of the pension. Otherwise the costs of teacher pay and benefits will keep spiraling.

  8. I am not jealous of any teacher & believe me I will gladly change jobs with them anyday.....I work with youth every day of my life & there aren't the holidays or days off that the teachers get... Betty Gardner talks like no one but teachers contribute anything to society...that is not the truth...that proves what I said previously....you think teachers are better than anyone else, work harder, etc.......give me a break!!

  9. Hey 4:26. I don't what you think teachers are worth, but obviously in your mind not much. I'd like to know how the hell you compete against other schools. As a teacher you work with what is given to you. We work with good and bad, smart and not so smart.But we work hard each day to help them be sucessful. We can't pick and choose the smart kids from the other ones. So explain to me Einstein how a school from one area that has kids whose parents could give a rat's ass about education, will compete with one that has more good parental support and more intelligent kids. So you pay the teachers less for working with more difficult kids, because their scores aren't what the "better" school's scores are?
    People who have no clue about teaching should stay right where they are---out of education!

  10. "People who have no clue about teaching should stay right where they are---out of education!" (5:26)

    Amen! If only people knew what teachers do and put up with. And, no, I'm not whining (I'm retired from teaching). Education was my choice, and I'm glad that it was the choice of 5:25.

  11. From what I have read, if any of the pension costs are returned to the county, it cannot be passed back to the Board of Eds. It will be up the the County Council to fund it.

    Can't happen in Wicomico County as we will have to file for bankruptcy.

  12. 3:43

    I am a teacher in Wicomico County. I have NOT had a raise in 3 years, am paying MORE for health insurance, and am now contributing 2% more into my state retirement.

    No, I haven't had to take a furlough day but it is possible next year. I am willing to do my share but to say that we are 'gods' or 'untouchable', you are WRONG.

    By the way....what do YOU do for a living that you can cast these stones?

  13. 5:46 said
    I am a teacher in Wicomico County. I have NOT had a raise in 3 years, am paying MORE for health insurance, and am now contributing 2% more into my state retirement.

    Welcome to the real world 5:46


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