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Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Law Enforcement Officials Seek Community Participation in Lifesaving Initiative

Maryland State Police Salisbury Barrack will join more than one hundred law enforcement agencies across the state in an effort to educate the public on the lifesaving and injury-reducing benefits of safety belt/child seat use. Additional attention will focus on the reduction of aggressive driving and driving while impaired. This campaign will take place from May through December 2011.

The Maryland Chiefs of Police, Sheriffs, Campus Safety Directors, and Maryland State Police Barrack Commanders challenge their law enforcement personnel to design community-outreach programs and events to recruit community partners, and to conduct enhanced educational and enforcement initiatives. In Wicomico County, state and local law enforcement officials will be conducting an aggressive driving campaign, entitled the Smooth Operator Program. This enforcement initiative will be from September 4 to September 17, 2011.

1 comment:

  1. Heeeeeereee we go!!! Despite the lowest number of traffic deaths in decades, the police STILL think they need to "educate" us about wearing seat belts and using our turn signals properly. And by "educating", I mean ticketing and fining. When people are using 3000-5000 lb machines and driving within inches of each other at speeds of 35-65 mph, accidents WILL occur. So will deaths. NO AMOUNT of "education" (sounds Orwellian, doesn't it? Maybe something you'd get in China) is going to stop that. But, of course, it is NOT about safety. No cop and no government offficial gives a crap about whether you or I wear a seat belt. O'Malley is NOT going home tonight and losing any sleep because we haven't reached 100% compliance with the latest storm trooper initiative. It's ALL about the money. Thats it. M-O-N-E-Y. Why don't they call the next "campaign" the "We need to remind you of who is the boss around here", or "Last Minute Push For Revenue" campaign? If half the storm, er, uh, I mean, STATE Troopers disappeared in a forest, would anyone notice? (the employees in the state office of revenue collections are not allowed to answer this one....)


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