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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

City Park, Hurricane Irene


  1. Well. It's perfectly clear now. A curfew was absolutely the best thing to do. Its a good thing we have smarter people than us who always know what good for us and are always looking out for ways to improve our lifestyle...keep us safe...I wouldn't know what to do without all the politicians who know whats best for me (even when I don't need their help). Just think of all the great things politicians have done to the citizenry in the name of "safety". Not freedom. Not liberty. Not self-sufficiency. Not self-determination. Just "safety". I sleep better at night knowing there are so many politicians that will not rest until I conform to their idea of what a perfect citizen should be. And do their best to make sure I'm always "safe", because, Lord knows, I would never be able to live my life without their constant unrelenting concern.

  2. I bet if the storm was worse and people were looting your house, you would be beezotching that there should have been one.


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