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Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Why Casey Anthony's Verdict Makes Sense

Casey Anthony was found not guilty of murder, which makes good sense. 

Much of the state’s case rested on the fact that Casey didn’t seem grief-stricken at all after her daughter went missing. She actually went out dancing, had sex and got a tattoo.

Yet, for those who cannot fathom how Casey Anthony could have gone out partying with men and spending money on clothes after the death of Caylee Anthony—unless she killed her daughter—there is another potential explanation.

Some emotionally vulnerable people can experience mania—the “high” phase of bipolar disorder, essentially the opposite of depression—in the setting of unthinkable trauma or loss.

Even if you despise Casey Anthony, you have to admit that the death of her daughter (if she did not kill her) would qualify as such a trauma or loss. Symptoms of mania could then ensue, including: overspending, hypersexual behavior, sleeplessness and a sense of euphoria (which would be seen in photographs as seeming joy).



  1. Another point that needs to be consitered in all the "how did this happen" hysteria:

    Yesterday, everyone spent a great deal of time celebrating this Country and the Constitution. Today's verdict is the American legal system showing that it works, and by extension, showing that America works.

    A jury of her peers found her not guilty based on the evidence provided them. This is how the the sytem is supposed to work, whether or not you like the outcome.

    The verdict is not the fault of the liberals, and it is not a sign that the country is going to ruin.

    If you loved America yesterday, you should still love it today. Part of the deal with being an American is understanding that you have to live with things you may not like or agree with, but while knowing that there is no better option anywhere else in the world.

  2. until we find out that the jurors were paid off and shows that americans will put a price on life if it justifies their means...

  3. excellent post Joe!! and get real 3:35pm, quit watching mobsters!!

  4. ...or we can just be ignorant psychos and further illustrate the caricature that is the "Redneck American." Either way you want to go.

  5. i'm with 3:42, i dont put anything past the jurors being paid of and/or threatened to give a not guilty verdict

  6. Manic or not, one would think the child would have been reported missing immediately...

  7. There is no possible way for anyone to convince me that if she did not do it, that she was not guilty of a conspiracy relating to Caylee's death This was worse than the OJ verdict. Watching her laugh and smile after the verdict was read made me sick. I think the jurors wanted to get back to St Pete. So much for the best system in the world I would imagine and hope that her parents completely disown her. And the fact that she will soon be rolling in $$$$$$$$$$ due to book and/or movies. Grrrrrrrrr

  8. If she is that insane to not report her child missing, then she still should be locked up.

  9. Concerned RetireeJuly 5, 2011 at 4:14 PM

    Coming from the Criminal Justice, the State did not prove beyond a doubt their case. They were selective / incomplete on their forensics.

    They were selective on the cars with the dogs in the fact they did only one and moved it away from all others. Improper search in the area where the Child was found, called three times is ridicules. They should have cleared it on the first call or sealed the area until they could have done a through search. There are other mistakes where they were not through from a - z which I feel were inexcuseable with the experience the Law Enforcement had that were on this case. Granted none of us are perfect.

    This was from their own witnesses.

    I am not saying I agree with the verdict or not. Just going with the facts presented.

    I seen this coming before the Defense ever started their case.

  10. The state in their attempt to cover all the bases overcharged Casey Anthony. The state expected the jurors to put together a puzzle that they themselves didn't have answers.

  11. Bottom line, the Anthonys are one screwed up family.

  12. The only way she will roll in the bucks now is to sell a book or movie. Get real people, do you really want to give hard earned honest dollars to a baby killer?
    Just say NO to Baby Killers.

  13. If you think they did not have a case, or she is NOT guilty... I have a bridge to sell you and Obama is a citizen, and the glove does not fit, you must believe in Faries.

    This Country is SCREWED!

  14. I watched every broadcasted minute of this case and found her completely guilty. For those who didn't watch the state's testimony
    you have no idea what your talking about. Yes 12 members of a jury found her innoncent another 12 could have as easy found her guilty. There is no way this child had a chance with this animal of a mother.

  15. Anon 4:54 "innocent" is NOT a legal term. Anthony was found Not Guilty which doesn't mean innocent. It means the state did not meet their burden of proof-which is beyond a reasonable doubt. I watched every second of the trial and agree with the jury's decision.

  16. Well if she didn't do it who did. My guess the case is closed and the defense team is partying.

  17. Everybody needs to read 5:08's comment again. "Not guilty" is NOT the equivalent of "innocent." So many people believe this; it is not so. I've served on juries before, as I'm sure many of you have. It is so easy for those of us who are not part of the story to be angry at the jury for letting someone "go" who, we're sure, is guilty. The jurors can only work with what EVIDENCE they have, not what their hearts tell them or what they conjecture. Apparently the real hard-and-fast evidence was not sufficient to find Ms. Anthony guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, the standard used in criminal procedures. Justice will be served some day if, indeed, Anthony is guilty.

  18. 5:14, It had to be the guy that kept calling the cops to the burial site until they finally found her body. Some killers really need to have their crime discovered and get it in the news....

  19. Exactly Anon552. I'm Anon508 and you've said it best-the jurors CAN only work WITH what evidence (I'm clarifing here) was PRESENTED AT THE TRIAL FROM THE WITNESSES MOUTHS-NOT THE LAWYERS MOUTHS.
    The jurors job isn't to GUESS what happened. Their job isn't to JUMP to any conclusions like Dr "G" did in assuming Caylee's death was a homicide.

  20. Acting patronizing and condesending doesn't work either. I would have thought in light of the OJ and Michael Jackson verdicts the prosecutors would have figured this out.
    The state just needs to present their case without emotion and go on the evidence.

  21. How many times do you read in the newspaper of parents leaving their kids and dogs in the car to go in some bar and party? Maybe it was truly an accident and she meant only to make her sleepy with the chloroform and taped her mouth in case she woke up and cried. With Casey's hormones I doubt she was thinking of anything except herself and a good time.I would be willing to bet the parents both know what she is capable of and that is why they didn't speak to her after the verdict. Could explain why the mother perjured herself and why father was so depressed. I think they all lied.

  22. She will be judged again. The next time for her soal.

  23. No justice for Caylee. What's next in finding her killer if Casey is not guilty?

  24. Yes "July 6, 2011 6:13 AM" She will the only blame here is on the state. This case should have never made it to the courtroom. Evidence, evidence evidence. I have been in Law Enforcement for over 25 years and I could not even begin to give a count of how many of you with tears in your eyes beg to be released or the release of your child from the justice system and your first words are "he's/she's/I'm not guilty" and secondly is "show me the proof"(evidence) WELL then my God fearing fellow Americans this women maybe a very disturbed person and she may indeed be guilty but as of this moment she is no more guilty than you or I. There have been a lot of convictions lately that have been made on hearsay and other non physical evidence, I would hope you or your loved ones never have go to jail just because of what some people think or suspect about you. evidence, evidence, evidence
    "If the glove don't fit, you cannot convict"
    Peace People, what go's around comes around.

  25. So I'm confused. On one hand this is the constiution-loving conservative crew, which you would think agrees with the common premise of "innocent UNTIL proven guilty". Yet when the state fails to prove someone guilty, their innocence has magically flown out the window the second they were charged? I say so has your constitution-loving conservatism.


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