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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Washington Spending 101

How to Stop the Explosion of Debt

Here’s a quick new online class for those wondering how to stop the explosion of debt. It’s Washington Spending 101.

As President Reagan said, “Only a constitutional amendment will do the job. We've tried the carrot, and it failed. With the stick of a balanced budget amendment, we can stop government’s squandering, overtaxing ways, and save our economy.”

Just a few weeks ago, the Balanced Budget Amendment wasn’t even a part of the conversation in Washington, despite the overwhelming support it has among the American public. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of House Republicans, it is now an integral part of the debate over how to solve America’s spending problem and stop the explosion of debt.


  1. Truly wish we could have Reagan back. Why are the Democrats against a balanced budget. It only makes good sense, thats why.

  2. We don't even HAVE a budget to balance ever since his Assness became Big
    Cheese! WTF?

    Put your foot down now, or LOSE THE COUNTRY!

  3. Reagan was an idiot.

  4. 9:30. Tell me why Reagan was an idiot. Please explain. You must be a democrat, and about 3 saddle bags short of a camel load. Nuff said!

  5. 9:30
    You are another example of dumbocrat projection

  6. Reagan was not a good President, but may be correct on this matter.

  7. Reagan did not even know what he was saying meant. He was just the geriatric spokes model for bankers and war machine makers reaching out to aging Norman Rockwellian americans that had the money to have a say. Those people are gone now and the generation behind them have little but shallow convictions to justify their conservatism.


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