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Friday, July 15, 2011

Town Drops Charges Against Woman For Front-Yard Veggie Garden

A woman who faced the prospect of 93 days in jail for refusing to stop growing vegetables in her front yard is sighing with relief after the Detroit suburb dropped all charges against her. All charges regarding her garden, that is. Now they have renewed charges against her for having two unlicensed dogs, even though she got her paperwork taken care of in June.

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  1. Great job Detroit. Lets make it even tougher on the citizzens at this point.

  2. Sounds like salisbury. Close up all the small businesses.

  3. Sounds like salisbury. Close up all the small businesses.

  4. Where do these government employees get money to mess with honest folks all the time. You would think they would prioritize things. No wonder almost half of all murders go unsolved and corruption runs rapid, they are too busy looking for pets and gardens abuses.

  5. The corporations who sell us the food cannot allow the government to allow us to grow our own food. They will make less money.


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